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Everything posted by V

  1. Vic, be careful with this strap.. It stains very very easily.. don't even think of putting it near water.. Other than this it is one of the best hides out there (same strap was previously made by Strapmasters (XaMas). The original whiskey colour as you said is great but it won't stay for long.. It darkens in time to a nice dark tan I have the black version as well...
  2. After many weeks and many wristshot days passed, now I am back The last few days I am wearing my 112 with this LE MP shark..
  3. Thanks a lot my friends.. your wishes really mean a lot to me.. I will also need support the endless non-sleeping nights after April
  4. I voted the LaSpezia.. Same hide as the Strapmasters XaMas one of the best straps out there.. The XI is nowhere near the LaSpezia I have both black and tan of the Spezia...
  5. Yeap.. PAV hide strap are two of my favourites the last weeks that I do not change strap very often.. I will take a photo of the 99 to see how it aged... Beautiful
  6. Very glad to see Umberto Eco is wearing one.. I am a big fan and he is basically the only 'important' person from the list for the intellectual ones Plus do you see he has an aftermarket strap? Wondering what it might be...
  7. The strap Orlando wears is the second strap that was provided with the genuine fiddy.. the OEM bordeaux
  8. Hello guys and girls.. Many of you know that i was renovating my house and i had to put all my time there so i had no time for the forum.. WHile i was working on the house we learned with my wife that she is pregnant Great news as we were planning it BUT it came in a bit earlier and she was not able to help at all with the works at the house. This means that I had (and still doing) all the stuff myself. Pretty hard stuff.. not recommended At the moment we have moved to the new house.. Bathroom, hallway and the two rooms are ready.. I am finishing the kitchen this week and all is left is the living room.. Hope the house will be completely finished mid-October. Watch related stuff, I am only wearing my skinny swatch while I paint and doing work at the house almost all day long... I have sold my franken destro to a member here so I only have my gen 112 and the Ferrari 008. Not many new straps.. but I received a new hide from the Greek hide and new stitching colours.. I will be around more often now (got 2-3 orders for straps so I am also back on track on this as well) but not as much as before.. I guess when the child will be born (April) and for some months my free time will be again limited
  9. Excellent review Vic.. I don't have much spare time but I will try to do something similar
  10. Back from Greece and unfortunately the tanneries were closed most of the time in AUgust so no chance to find new or this hide.. I have left though a small sample to my father and next week that they will be open he will try and source it for me.. In the meantime I have a/THE last strap from this hide almost ready (a customer's order that didn't wanted). I will post it FS in the Accessories corner for tose who PMed me and were interested but I had no hide available Here the photo of the strap:
  11. Humidor? Sacriledge Ms Barrett !!! That's not a humidor.. That's the Pre-Vendome box the Pams were coming with
  12. Vic It is not as versatile as the black dialed Pams but there are some straps that are born to go with the white dial... I know you don't like suede straps but the tan Mp4 is the perfect match.. Here are some photos of my old franken 003 with different straps.. Black Calvin Klein Black with white stitching Calvin Klein V/HKTAN Tan shrunk PRADA black strap V/HKTAN SERGIO TACCHINI Strapmasters SHARK
  13. Great pics my friend... Here is what I tried in a foot-shot couple of weeks ago
  14. Pug helped me and I found the software.. now I need someone to tell me how to use it
  15. Well the second one looks much better as you said in your PM.. I believe that the secret of the straps is the leather.. It shouldn't be too soft or too stiff... That's why my Greek hide is a pleasure leather to work with.. If it is too soft the leather as you said stretches and you must be very careful when you cut it.. The Ferrari is like this and it needs months of practice to work with a soft leather and do a decent result. Plus I guess you need to have the leathermaker's tool to make your life easier
  16. Happy birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  17. All the wristshots from the first 10 pages of my Imageshack account
  18. Happy birthday Vic I was not doing any work at my house today so I was wearing this:
  19. Anyone knows how to unlock a Motorola mobile through the internet? I already tried one website but they took my 10
  20. Yeap.. it did when I got ti but I played a lot with the chrono and now it doesn;t reset properly. Till I decide to send to The Zigmeister the hands for relume and put it in the right place again, I was running the chrono and stopped it to 0 exactlly so no harm done
  21. I think you found a nice pair/combo for my strap
  22. I had an order from a customer for a Ferrari strap to fit on a Ferrari deployment.. Here is the result (Ant this is your strap )
  23. Yes.. they have all the correct markings but if you see the packaging it says TAN in the colour You mean the XaMas hommage in my signature (3rd photo from left)? You like the stitching or the leather or both?
  24. Great collection Vic.. the 'waffle' strap though on the 154 is definately not OEM.. It is a cheap crap rep strap.. Panerai never issued a strap like this.
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