That's a Davidsen buckle...$199 for a MP Keyring...that's crazy!
Just use the cheap standard strap and super glue...THAT"S much cheaper and easy to make this yourself...saves you $$$ that can be used for another rep purchase.
Was a bit bored last night and also got inspired by MF (Manifatture Firenze) to make the keyrings.
Used some old standard rep straps to make these.
Hope you'll like them
Hey Romano...Thanks man...we need to GTG again sometime.
You know...some PAM hunting this year and no need to tell the lady about it
Got something to tell you about some Pre-V moddels...see you soon bro!
The point is I'm located in the Netherlands...and rather have a EU deal, unless somebody has a way to import the watch avoiding the tax. The tax kills the fun of it...a friend of mine told me that maybe it's possible to ask the seller to ship it out as "watch serviced"...but when if it's got lost.
Wearing my watch on the right hand the 112 would be more comfy...but for the look the destro would be better IMO.
Yeah I know Kos...for the extra €1100 I'm about half way to a next gen.
Yeah love your 112 Kos and thanks to you and Aaron I became a strap freak as well
Having a Xa Mas coming in next week and last week a new Dirk logo black/black came I might wanna have a sharky
At first I was looking for a destro 219...that's a 112 only with the CG at the left side...this is really hard to find and the AD couldn't help. I have sourced one in the States but the watch incl. the tax isn't that interesting anymore...about € 3800.
Does anyone know this dealer...
Art Of Time
36 NE 1 street
USA-33132 Miami
He's the one that has the 219h in stock...any refs would be appriciated.