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Everything posted by GhostfaceZX

  1. My modded 2836-2 Exp2 does have independently adjustable hour hand. The GMT hand is adjusted with the minute hand. Unlike the gen Rolex Exp2, the hour hand can only be adjusted forward, and the date changes with the GMT hand at 24. The gen Exp2 date changes with the hour hand and has no date quickset.
  2. I'd expect EL, Joshua, or Andrew to be able to get it for you. Just tell them exactly what you want.
  3. Mine doesn't work like that - I have the 2836-2 Exp 2 with correct handstack (hour hand below GMT hand). First stop, one direction advances the hour hand, other direction advances (quicksets) the date. Second stop sets the time in both directions (all 3 hands move). The only thing about this version I don't like is that the date changes with the GMT hand passing 24, not the hour hand. I've played with my friend's gen Exp 2, and the date advances with the hour hand, not GMT hand. In his, the first stop changes the hour hand forward or backward depending on direction turned. There's no date quickset, and the date must be changed by moving the hour hand forwards or backwards 24 hours. The second stop is for forward or backward time adjustment.
  4. Are you sure the gen isn't domed? Most of the ads I see on the net for Omegas seems to indicate the gen crystals are domed.
  5. Method worked great on my SMP, but my problem is that my bezel is a special 80-click edition, so it doesn't match up with the dial at every click.
  6. I guess you learned the hard way that Platinum weighs A LOT more than stainless steel.
  7. I don't have any PAMs, so I can't speak for that, but I use a Bergeon clone for the rolexes from Ebay and a normal Jaxa style for my Omegas or anything else that has notches. You have PM as well.
  8. I was a CSS/BF2 player before I found this arcade!!
  9. It's to rub in that your arcade high score has been beaten.
  10. I've never seen one...I have seen ladies size with black dial/bezel though.
  11. Do you guys think Ferrari is up to par for 2006? After 2005, it seemed like even Honda would be a better contender. If they don't have a good car, I doubt Raikkonen would be headed that way.
  12. Asian Black Sub - $120 Breguet Rep with Real working Tourbillon - $1,000 18k Widowmaker Daytona - $25,000 Breguet 18k Tourbillon - $90,000 Limited edition Asian 80-click "HG" Bond SMP GMT - Priceless
  13. Not really, but the problem with not having 60 or 120 is that at some positions, the bezel insert won't line up with the dial.
  14. LOL - That's a pretty strange way to mess something up. I guess I'll have to go with the octal decimal theory you provided before. It's more plausible.
  15. The topic pretty much asks it all - does the gen have 80 clicks too? Seems like a very strange number to me.
  16. Since reps are illegal, I wouldn't expect anyone to offer to a stranger that their watch is a rep. It's not fair to dog a guy for passing a rep as a gen.
  17. Thanks Now I don't feel so bad that I missed it. I was so mad yesterday that I felt like smashing my Tivo after I marked the race for recording (season passed on it directly on CBS), and it didn't record. Reason it gave was that something with the same title had been recorded within 28 days. What a load of crock. I'm pretty disappointed in Raikkonen this year - I had high hopes for him. And I don't really see anything wrong with the current qualifying.
  18. I've been using coreftp lite
  19. I'm fine with the current selections, but what I would like is much better accuracy to the gens. I really want the JLC RDM, but the flaws are too big IMO. Ulysses Nardin needs some better reps!
  20. Here's where I got my info from: Link The Zigmeister states he can't get his working and can't get parts for repair...but I'm not sure if they're discussing the same movement as what you have or what's on this particular watch.
  21. It's real, but there hasn't been many good things said about the chinese tourby's.
  22. With so much of his personal information listed, I'm very surprised that he's still around. Why hasn't he been taken down yet?
  23. Are they that fragile? $900 seems like an awesome deal considering Breguet tourbillons cost $70k
  24. LOL - I can't figure out how you got 58...I don't quite understand the strategy of that game. And yes, there are many games that I won't win - in fact, if I don't have the high score by now, I probably won't. Nice to have a lot of free time at work Sorry for the OT, but congrats on your new watch admin.
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