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Everything posted by rodwc

  1. Steady on there, chap! try telling that to potr. "Not donating money to charity should not be treated with scorn. Collecting shonky watches doesn't come with a financial obligation" Not talking about money, here ,I am not scorning anyone , just bloody get involved. "Forget about the "shonky watches" I am talking about helping someone, who is desperate, with whatever means I can. "Praise those who take part " I have allready done that. Instead of sucking eggs, people should try chewing them.
  2. Edited by rodwc
  3. I honestly admit, that after the past 3 days of events, I am feeling very flat, and at the moment have a lesser attachement to the subject of this forum. As,....... "The POTR Auctions" have placed a different meaning on "Life" for me. Hopefully the "feeling" will return shortly. In short, I am finding it difficult to attach my feelings towards material things, when a story like the one that has unfolded recently, clearly shows "life" in it`s true form.
  4. Moved from POTR`S Auctions. posted 3.51 Fri. Today has been a sort of quiet day for me , after the involvement with potr`s auctions. In Melbourne , ( Australia ) yesterday , Good Friday, the annual state wide fundraiser was on for good and old. It`s called the Good Friday Childrens Hospital Appeal, whereas all donations collected go towards paying for extra equipment for the Royal Childrens Hospital in the city. Since the start , many years ago, the final total has been climbing every year, this year the final total was $12,500,000 . To all of you here involved with "our" appeal for potr, buyers or donators, I feel immensely proud to be associated with you as fellow human beings, and personally thank you for all your glorious efforts to help a fellow person in his time of need. For me to have been involved in this gives me a satisfaction far beyond words. Sincere thanks to Admin. and Mods. for undying support for your members, to allow this to be set up. I am sure everyone here at RWG, will be pleased and proud of the final outcome. My Thanks to one and all. Rod. --------------------
  5. Compared to Watchmark, Silix is not the cheapest. Watchmark charges $25 for EMS shipping, emails are answered in a very timely manner.
  6. Far quicker and easier to upload to say Photobucket and transfer from there 1 GB space if memory serves me right. Also Image shack is another "free" hosting service. Also the pics arrive here ready sized and not those piddly thumbnails members have to click on for full size. Member JIRO did a great tutorial about posting pics from Photobucket, and Pugwash did one for Imageshack.
  7. We ALL belong to to that very special community, ALL OF US. The MAJORITY have simply GOT to do MORE. This community is well over ............... 10,000. !!!!!!!! Repaustria, thank you very much for seeing this.
  8. This is EXACTLY how I feel. This , has and needs to be done. Nobody should do a little, then walk away feeling "good" about themselves. Kick my head in if you like, .................. I`ve got no problems..................compared to POTR.
  9. The ENTIRE community has to do a lot more, if it is to make any difference to POTR. Not wishing to put a damper on anything, but I had to say this.
  10. Done.
  11. Please don`t think that I am telling anyone, "how to suck eggs", here, But there are a lot of NEW members joined recently. If you are a winning bidder on any item in the POTR auction, and are paying by PAYPAL, DO NOT MAKE ANY MENTION OF THE WORD WATCHES, Simply describe the item as GOODS/SERVICE. I mean if Rob`s account is frozen .....................................see what I mean. Also , I hope that the account is PREMIUM , as there is a monthly transaction limit on FREE accounts. Many thanks.
  12. There is a great Pam in the POTR auction. For a very worthwhile cause too. You could do a lot worse.
  13. Don`t you read the member reviews? Watchmark is a great dealer.
  14. This has been in from the start. We all need some direction, down the track, just what to do, and how to proceed. It`s late now in Oz. and as our US. , EU., and other friends come in, am sure this direction will come later to-morrow. MOVED TO POTR AUCTION.
  15. BUMP. Sadly this topic can only be viewed by the supporters. Could it be moved ?
  16. He can`t and won`t. I CAN AND WILL................................... PLEASE GUYS, ....... this is IMPORTANT.
  17. Hi Rob, Nasty blow to you, keep your head up,and please get well soon. Please check your email.....
  18. If your bracelet is ALL polished and none of the links are brushed or grained, send it down to me and I will do it gratis for you , I have a large polishing m/c and mops. You can have a turnaround in under a week. PM. me if you want my address. ( Am in Melbourne.)
  19. I think if anyone starts using silver polish , brasso etc, ( liquid abrasives ) you are going to end up with much worse than "sunlight swirls". These liquids are virtually impossible to get rid of, and dry to a chalky deposit ending up in all the minute crevices. ( only total stripdown is going to remove the deposit.) ( or rinsing in solvent ). These swirls , which show up more in bright sunlight are in actual fact light scratches caused by clothing rubbing on the part, add to this a little quartz , in the atmosphere and this is the result. Havn`t used cape cod cloths, but failing that, a small ( 1 1/4" dia. ) buffing mop in a dremmel at lower speed, using the white polishing medium, will result in as new condition. Even then all polishing medium has to be washed off with a solvent.
  20. Had one just last week, no problem. All my others were EA 996........ then it changed to EB 014.......... I simply put it down to numerical progression.
  21. Excellent, a great help. Thanks.
  22. Does everyone consider the 2824-2, and 2836-2 as equivalent and same movements. It`s a question that seems to me, to have no definitive answer , as yet. You buy one and receive the other. Would anyone be concerned?
  23. Only ever seen the BCE with a green dial. ( this is the gen. ) from about 8 years ago.
  24. Hmm, and what does your new girlfriend think of that ? Suck a prune or sniff panties ?? Each to their own.
  25. Please tell, which dealer has the Jim Beam beauties ?
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