Oh, you`r in , you`r in.
Why didnt you tell me 3 weeks ago?
OMG, what a killing could have been made, now I will be fleeced like the proverbial lamb,
And from the looks of your avitar you can do other things as well.!!
This is on the behalf of Juicemaker.
Does anyone know of anyone in the Sydney area ( Australia ) that can
service/oil the New Asian 7750 movements with 28,800bph?
Please help if you are able.
6 men, what happens if one of them needs to GOOOO.?
What happens if one of them puts the part in the wrong place?
No personal phone calls there mate.
No smokos there chaps.
What happens if......................... ? OMF.
Who`s pressing the down button is what I would really like to know?
If any of the 6 were enemies, WHOA.!!!!
On the customs form which Andrew has sent 5 times , was declared as
Fashion Accessory, value $20, Gift. He said never to make any mention of a watch.
No probs. here so far.
Swiss Replica Watch] Replica Watch Dealer Interview with Puretime
Replica Watch Dealer Interview with Puretime
Mon, 18 Dec 2006 18:53:04 +0000
I asked several replica watch dealers a set of questions designed to get to know them and their involvement in replica watch production and sales. The first dealer to respond was
Pix, I dont think you will have a thing to worry about.
The main thing in question is PAID REVIEWS, and no-one here is going to see any more of those. ( believe me ).
As far as organising a poll goes, anybody can do it, but they certainly won`t have an ounce of control over it, so vote with confidence.
At this stage , this is all I know. Stay tuned.
Reg, ( Narika) gave verbal directions in a post a while back, basically just head for the bus station.
Pictures are going to be a problem though.
I could take a movie config. and cover the red light over, but then I`m not sure if I can upload it to photobucket.