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Everything posted by rodwc
Have never heard of it going that far !!!
So thats what all those noises were last night.
Apart from one being legal and the other illegal, I agree.
When you buy something ,You usually want it.( naturally ) Do any of you ever ask yourself, Do I NEED it ? In the majority of cases , I would say NO. If you use cash and it is disposable income , then fine. ( need or want doesnt matter. ) If you use a credit card, and dont pay it off at the end of the month , then you are spending money you dont have. If you use a credit card and pay off the full amount ,at the end of the month, then you are simply using the card for convienience and possibly reward points. A British banking giant is now banning 160,000 debt-ridden customers from using their credit cards. I think that the "modern" way of life has now become , I want it, I cant afford it, but who cares? What have we got into ?
"YES....Sponsored watch reviews are OK....as long as they are appropriately conducted....(An appropriate system has yet to be created)...." If anyone really thinks this is going to happen , then they are just out of their tree.!! Kenberg and Offshore have allready stated as much. So why on earth would a question like this go into a poll? It aint goin to happen. Understand? , comprendez ?
Censored, only to a degree of content and etiquette. Manipulated, or , what about , "steered in a certain direction by the seasoned members, " ( not mods. ) As Vic. stated "That a newbie would get cold feet about doing a watch review, after having read this thread." I am sure they would feel totally intimidated, by the whole process, if it ever came to this . That is why the majority of this forum is being "directed" Not that polls are popular with some, but I would bet that the majority would come out in favour over the fact that A totally experienced person, giving a review, should have no qualms or guilt, about taking a watch for a review.
Me agree also, ingenuity never ceases to amaze me.
Yep, bought same one. Never compared it to BK YM. had to send it back as the stem pulled out , no problems on its return. Simply dont go for the extra waterproofing and watch service charges.
OK. I will hold my hands up here. After posting 10 times on this topic, an agreement and mutual understanding has been made , that Pugwash will pay to my Swiss bank account the sum of CH 5000, in recognition of my un-biased comments and humble opinions. I truly hope that no-one is offended or in any way jealous of this remarkable and generous gesture. Many thanks.
In these general terms I wholeheartedly agree, but, in this case it is our very own , trusted, helpful and un-biased Pugwash, someone beyond reproach. Doesn`t that make some difference here?
We will have to agree to dis-agree. I fail to see any reason whatsoever, the need to know, just who the sponsor is, its simply none of our business. We all make our own decisions in the end, and if we can be swayed by a review, then we shouldnt be in this game. This is assuming all facts are true in the review.
Come on guys you really are missing the point here. Of course we will benefit from positive reviews , IF THEY ARE TRUE. The fact that he got a freebie wasn`t his aim. He is asking ( in a nutshell ) is it ok to receive something for his services .
Why do we need to know who has sponsored the review. At the end of the day we make up our own minds ( or should do), based on the facts given. And why for heavens sake should a jury need to know who is paying the expert witness, they are only listening to his TRUE testimony. It doesnt matter to anyone if its not raining in Tokyo.
"knowing automatically it would be biased." Really dont think you can apply that here. "Moreover, the more positive things he writes, the more watches he will likely receive in the feature. " I think that if the positive things he writes are true, and informative, then we are the winners also. "I will write the most dazzling and positive essay humanely imaginable so that maybe next year they send me a GT40 !!!" But pugwash wasnt writing the review SOLELY for a free watch, and if you knowingly and wrongfully do something for material gain , then you are being true to no-one.
Lets look at this another way. Angus sends a watch which he would liked reviewed. Review is done and posted. Reviewer tries to arrange return of reviewed watch. Angus says , many thanks, please keep the watch for your time and trouble. No bias there on the part of the reviewer, as he was getting nothing for the review initially. Whatever transpires afterwards is history. I see no conflict of interest with that timeframe of events. So was the watch given BEFORE or AFTER the review. ( and why the hell didnt you give him 20 pence for the watch, then you would have Bought it and this whole situation wouldn`t have arisen ).)
Just take the watch , wear it well and enjoy it for all your troubles and time. Dont know who this disdainful Noob McNoobson is though, I thought you were Pugwash.
PPS. If you feel you cant keep the watch I will help you, by taking it off your hands.
PS. Thanks for the review.
Very fine line here that may have been crossed. Ok. so in the end the members get a review, which is to their advantage, but at the same time the "reviewer" gets a free watch for their trouble. Bit of give and take really, but ethical ??? Some will say yes, to get what they want ( watch or review ) Some will say no ( watch ). So you are damned if you do and damned if you dont. Ones own choice really.
Fine, I have been assured by a couple of sources that the shops and markets will be open and in full swing, especially during CNY. ( only the factories will be closed, and most likely our collectors). If I had a choice I would have gone a little later, but then the large international trade fair starts in April, and hotel and prices skyrocket everywhere. Keep your fingers crossed.
Hopefully , by this time next Sat. I will be in Guangzhou, that is if the inclement weather has improved, and the weather is comparable to what we are having here in Oz., ( sunny and 27 degrees C, ) and the airport remains open. If there is any interest in me doing some kind of travelogue regarding reps. etc. I would oblige. I know this topic has been covered by 2 or 3 other members in the past couple of years and thought an update could possibly be of some help and interest. Please give me your thoughts. Cheers.
Many thanks for the info. Just let me assure you that there is no hidden agenda here on my part. I have seen quite a few posts in the past ,where members have been savagely and viciously attacked, ( quite wrongly imo.)and certainly would not go down that path myself. If I have anything to say , I will do it in a proper and civilised manner, and come right out with it, like it or lump it. Thanks again.
Have been away for 8 days or so, came back and posted maybe 7 or 8 times. Now I see that I have got a tag, "spams a lot ". I havnt gone mad and posted 100`s of times, Whats happening? It doesnt look very friendly from this side. Most confused.
These are migrant workers in Guangzhou earning US.$4 per day, saving to go to their families, at New Year. Then this bad weather hits them, and we complain and [censored] about bad reps.? Yes , we are in the Western world, but I for one still consider the poor unfortunates. Remember , there is allways someone worse off than yourself.