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Everything posted by bertieng

  1. The best way to adjust a gen. rivet is go to RSC. They have the right tool for it. Average watchsmith or even AD have no chances at all.
  2. The bezel doesn't look to have the same construction as the gen. here. It should best for you to ask the supplier of the parts for the assembling procedure.
  3. Very interesting remarks, folks. 6541 to me still remains as a legend and mysterious. It is just amazing to see the market price of it. I think is amongst the top league in the vintage range, even higher than the 1st gen. DRSD. Maybe this watch is just so rare if still in good conditions. Wearing it on the street may just be not convincing at all. It should be sitting in the bank's security safe with perfect climate controls.
  4. Wonder if anyone has gone thro' a super franken 6541. Seems that no much has been dicussed on this model as compared to the Daytona/GMT frankens. Is it very hard to build yet the watch looks pretty simple with the normal h.m.s. hands construction only. Or is it the gen. is so expensive that it is not convincing that you will see one wearing on the street?
  5. V2??? From whom you got his upgraded dial version? Been waiting for it for a long time.
  6. Also seeing the posting rate is slow but doubt it has something to do with the new server. What I can feel is the lack of excitment on the market. Can't really name any truly exciting great new releases after the DSSD. This leaves most of us looking back at the glory days of the old school models which most are no longer available. It is also sad to see quite a number of the extremely knowledgable veteran members are not posting much nowadays.
  7. Duffy, yes it is correct.
  8. 027b is no no. The legend is for 027a with the arrow PR pointer.
  9. The major problem with DSN's 111H is the dial and the CG. Both are far off from the gen. look. Sorry to say the great lume can't trade off these serious flaws.
  10. Amazing indeed. It sounds fun. Will try this experient when I have time to get to it. Many thanks again for your further advices. Cheers.
  11. This is interesting. Vinegar can desolve the stem but not the crown as both are made of metal also. Anyhow, thanks for your advice, will give it a try. It does no harm as the crown has to be thrown away anyway if the broken stem piece cannot be taken out.
  12. This issue has been well discussed, and someone did actually made the top plate mod and sold the watch at a very high price. The job is not simple and it will involve a lot of machining and engravings plus additional parts. If you can do it is a big business from all the fellow memebers here owning the RBII.
  13. I must say T's crown is of superb quality. It is very close to the gen. in cosmetic terms. The problem I am facing with the recessed surface may be only apply to me as I am using the JF CG/lever combo. Perhaps with the modern rep PAM CG's it shouldn't be a problem, but I have no clue as I have not tried. Still, a big thanks to T for your great efforts in bringing us your beautiful T48, and your light speed delivery is hard to beat. BTW, anyone has any clue if there i snay way to remove a snapped stem sitting inside the crown thread. The broken piece is flush to the crown tube and it has Locite applied Doos it mean I have to throw the crown away?
  14. Sorry T, if you mean by adding an extra o-ring, it won't work coz it will push the stem out of the winding position. I don't mean to raise any complaints here, the T48 crowns are of superb finishes. I am still working on it how to retain the locking function of the lever in the T48.
  15. I have found the spec is different from the last batch. The top of the crown is much more recessed than the previous lot. If I adjust the stem to the length of having the crown sits flush to the case then the lever is too far away, the locking function is gone. If I make the stem long enough to retain the lever locking fucntion then it will leave a big gap between the crown and the case Perhaps T can chim in if I am correct on the spec variance of the two batches.
  16. Amazing quality at $99. This really makes us think again where do those 500, 600 bucks reps stands - CG problem, incorrect dial fonts, poor lumes, wrong engravings, ..... never ending stories. For the Milgauss, sad to see still there is not a good classic 6541/1019 being repped yet.
  17. Sorry, I don't get it. Why date change via crown? So the date change button at 10 is just a dummy?
  18. Sorry for my ignorance. Actually what is the problem with the current 7753 PAM196? Wrong case means the quickset date function is not working? Wrong dial - are you referring to recessed subdials? Thanks.
  19. EL was a great guy, at least in all the deals I had with him in the old days. What exactly happened later I am not too sure. All my Swiss powered PAM's were from EL (the days when Swiss did really mean Swiss), and they are still running great today without any services. I must admit nowadays I am more reluntant to buy the PAM's because the superb old day quality has just simply gone. It is so hard to find a good one anymore which explains why in the sales forum "old school" models can always ask for good reselling values. DSN may be is the last resort for super PAM's but I have no experience yet. Currently I am on the project of combining the EL/DSN 027 taking the DSN dial, hands and date wheel, using all the rest from EL's even if the case is quite badly scratched. Another pro of the EL case is that it is fitted with the JF CG and T's T48. Hope things will pop up together to give a more convincing 027.
  20. The problem with the 6239 is that there is no accurate case available on the market. If you use the DW 6263/6265 case, it is wrong. The cutting on the case for the pushers are supposed to be much smaller for the pump pushers whereas DW's are made for the screw pushers. I did call up DW for the correct 6239 case but with no success since the factory feels that teh market is too small for this model.
  21. Mickey, why you put on a T60 crown? Shouldn't the gen. spec is 48 teeth?
  22. Good to know, T. Perhaps you can also list out the cost? Cheers.
  23. Hello PAM fans, does the Jimmy Fu CG fit the DSN case OK? Any mod is needed? Please share your experience. Thanks.
  24. My query still remains if the case is truly made of Ti. Same for both Commamder and Airwing.
  25. Certainly Vac has done a great job here. I haven't been so lucky with my PAM199
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