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Everything posted by cougar1

  1. Ah fantastic thanks grim, gonna go through pics
  2. Thanks for the pics Grim, they are great. I have to say from initial look at the first ones (I'll go through em all later ) it does look pretty good, better than expected even, nice case, dial decent, even the dw not so bad. In fact if not mistaken it looks like it could have inner AR?? Not sure though, will have a look through them, thanks for uploading.
  3. Thanks Grim for the feedback. Please show us some pics if you can do, regardless of quality, dealers pics are hard to see anything, always good to see home pics. What surprises me is the sales page pics on site clearly show they have AR, but the QC pics don't. May well be good photoshoping in the sales pics though. I thought yours might have some AR from your pics Grim but it is not always easy to tell on white dials. To check for AR you should tilt the crystal at an angle towards a light, if there is a split between the reflection then you should see the layers of coating, often they are coloured differently, such as yellow inner layer, blue outer layer etc. Example is similar to this:
  4. Thanks van damme, agree it could be much better for the price, when compared with other watches in the $300-$350 range it doesn't really stack up. The captains still looks pretty good though and will be keeping an eye on grimreapers feedback. Lets hope that angus maker gets things going and produces something soon, getting a factory to do some aqua terras is like pulling teeth at this stage
  5. Hi fraggle, just updating from the BB thread on puretimes section, for people that are not on the geek etc. here: http://www.repgeek.com/showthread.php?t=187824&page=150 ....thread is getting hard to follow unless you read through all the padding
  6. Those aviation security labels are a new thing so some ask to fill them in some don't, sort of like another sticky label declaring that the package contains nothing that could explode, lithium batteries etc.
  7. You have paypal as comeback, but firstly forget the watch for a sec and buy the seller so to speak. That is, who is he? What forums is he on, what reputation has he got, make sure he didn't just appear out of thin air etc. Ask for a phone number and check references of other sales. Is this an ebay deal or outside of ebay?
  8. I tend to put something like, 'watch parts', or 'damaged watch for repair' etc, bracelet is fine. With gift they tend to want a description anyway so up to you whether to tick it or not. Also some people prefer to put a low value around $40- $50 and tick gift so as not to invite too much perusal from customs, up to you whether you want to do that. You'll probably be asked to fill in an aviation security label now as well.
  9. Nice one Arch, congrats! As for updates, almost lost interest. Seems another round of mayhem ensued and someone seriously dropped the ball on the production of the rep crystals. They apparently need to now go off and re make the crystals from scratch. CNY seems more likely for release, that is ensuring all goes smoothly from here!?
  10. I constantly use both Airsure and International SF back and forth to Ireland. Essentially they are almost the same thing in terms of insurance etc. For Airsure the driver scans the package on hand over/delivery to you so sort of like an electronic signature vs SF which gets you to sign. Two things, Airsure is consistently slightly faster with great tracking, but SF is just a little slower but more secure, an old school registered under lock and key at all points type service. Both are good, watch services like watchfinder use Airsure.
  11. Crazy fading, these do seem to be fading in general use for some people, rather than specific abrasive rubbing the numbers off. Not good, no sign of any attempt at correcting this from BP either, other than dealers sending out a new insert with same issue! But hey at least on the cpo the the dial numbers and logos are all dead straight!
  12. Thanks for the pics VD, jebus, no AR, at all? What were they thinking? That definitely doesn't have any AR. Another afterthought for BP! Not good really, From your golf you'll know that these newer omegas have the best clearest AR in the industry so they don't get away without some good AR in rep form. As mentioned by R, $328 is a little expensive starting price to be leaving out stuff like this.
  13. They do look pretty decent tbh especially from the front, and they may surprise us all when we have them in hand, will be great to see them in the metal, I still think the dws look odd, but it just might be the pics, and some other odd BP factory quality QC in other areas a proper look in the metal will reveal more. Definitely best available right now... I wonder also if the 20mm bracelet on the 41mm will fit the old 39mm AT...Hmmm
  14. I'm wondering what they did with the dials details overall, very tempted to buy the golf for a look, but if the blue is out in a few days/week might be worth hanging on for, in one sense I'm delighted to see some ATs out, in another sense BP are known for fairly poor attention to detail so a little wary, then again these are reps right. And as grim says we probably wont see better for a while. I can't believe now that the factory angus got went out any bought the 41mm grey, when everyone and their dog was asking for the 39mm blue! If you look at the gens they have very high attention to detail in the markers/hands with brushed areas contrasting with polished etc, will be interesting to see if they could pull off anything remotly close looking.
  15. I think there are different dws, some with bold 1-9 and then normal after, so pics of watches can be deceiving depending on date shown, others with all similar sized. mixed size one looks sorta like this: pic of grey on low nos:
  16. Agree, the 39mm is the main seller by far and it should be done, I've had the gen grey for a while now as a tester and it is way too big for anything but large 7.5"++ wrists imo...but reps seem to be in this ridiculous 'bigger is always better' mode for a while now which doesn't help. I'd wear the 41mm but find it better on an alligator strap as its too chunky on bracelet. The older 39mm are much slimmer in height so wear so much better. No stats but from people I've talked to on omega forums seems about 4 out of 5 AT 8500 buyers go for the smaller size, regardless of wrist size. We may have to wait for another factory to do the 39mm it if BP don't oblige.
  17. tbh grim, it's hard to know what they bought for the replication, jandrew may have to you they bought the captains, and if I or anyone else asked they would tell them what they wanted to hear also. I think it is more likely they bought one of the more vastly more common colours such as the grey or blue and did all of the ones listed from that, stuff like the captains/golf/gauss are much harder to find and wouldn't normally be the type they'd buy if they wanted to mass replicate from the one watch. I don't think the dw is accurate on any, it is the weakest part, you are right though it seems to be a little less bold on the gen captains than the others so that one is closer. I also wonder how subtle things like the brushed markers look. Glad to see them out though. I may pick one up if I have time and do a comparison vs grey gen soon, will hold on to see if blue appears I think they sell less than a sports watch such as PO etc, but I think the problem is more down to blue/grey being the most popular colours and the ones people would buy most! Let us know how you find yours when it arrives.
  18. White and Black are up now.
  19. Was talking to Josh/Andrew and asking about the other colours from BP, as usual a very open ended, beautifully ambiguous answer along the lines of 'yes other colours are being made, and will be coming out slowly'. So I guess that nails it down for us Looking forward to seeing some pics when you get it Grim. It may be the only version we see, for a while (at least!)
  20. Agree Pete, not gonna make much ground with the bigger dealers + shipping at that budget. Trevor had a sale on recently, not sure if still going but had some really nice a7750 @ around $150. Plenty of good stuff to be had, shop around is best. Sead (supermirrors) had some really good deal on a pam 026k and iwc mark xvii not so long ago!
  21. It's very difficult in that price range lately as many price have gone up in recent years, although some nice quartz Tags available. If you can push your budget up to around $250 ish then you are in the range of a really nice aquaracer 500m or Carrera chrono a7750. Some ok ish quartz available though if the budget is rigid: http://www.ttw888.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=41_210&products_id=6587 http://www.ttw888.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=41_210&products_id=6587
  22. Trouble is Fedex/UPS/Dhl have truely horrific coverage when it comes to watches/jewellery etc (nobody wants to insure watches!), often limiting a refund to $500 max regardless of what it was insured for on the package. They all claim they will insure carried items to some grand number, $250000 or something, but when it comes to the fine print nobody knows what those elusive items are that qualify for their very selective coverage. If you want to go the standard way OP then use paypals/ebays horrible treatment of sellers to your advantage. Seller ships therefore the problem is his side regardless, is their motto. Not pretty on sellers who genuinely have no control once the item ships.
  23. Thanks for the QC pics Grim. We can only really comment on how it looks overall as we don't have any other reps of this to compare it to. It looks good, but the Dw is very off, not sure why but definitely not bold enough and not sure if too big font/too left. Also what concerns me on all these reps from BP is attention to detail on the face/dial etc. Lume overspill etc, even though it may be slight needs to be as minimal as possible for any of these to look good as a lot of the detail is in the dial, brushed white gold indices etc, if they lose this stuff or don't pay attention then the reps will never look right. The rep does look good, hopefully you can give us a few more shots when you receive. QC pics from PC are so dull and drab it really is hard to see anything. Looks very nice in first pic where it is placed on the shipping form I still cannot understand why they went out and bought the gen of this Ryder Cup LE for to replicate, I have a much better idea of the blue or grey models which are the most popular.
  24. Interested in seeing the feedback also. Agree on the price, too expensive, seems $328 is the new $228 ...for a watch again with very basic design, no bezel even, it's pushing it... could've been $250-ish. Would rather they released most of these new watches with a2824 than the eta lucky dip we currently get. Grim if you get QC put them up if you can.
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