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Posts posted by drhydro

  1. Hey TWP-

    Where you goin'? I grew up in Ft. Smith and went to the U of A in Fayetteville- used to have about 3 acres on a private airstrip near Eureka Springs.

    Them's mah stompin' grounds.

    And I think a community watch passaround is a neat idea- there was one of those on one of the forums quite some time ago, I seem to remember, and the pics (wristshots) of the watch in the various places where it landed were neat. Anybody remember that?

  2. Miz V, I think you should seriously consider Carl's suggestion that you might well have a watch allergy. Such afflictions are not unknown, esp. in the humid, salt-laden air which Florida sports...

    I suggest strongly that you tightly wrap all your watches - and straps, too, they might well be a part of this syndrome- in plastic film and bubble-wrap, stuff them into several plush toys, and post them immediately to me for thorough inspection and analysis.

    You should be cured in no time atall, atall. :rofl: :rofl: :hypocrite: :hypocrite:

  3. I had not noticed these ads until this evening- but, then, I haven't been spending much time on this forum lately.

    I'm gonna be here more from now on, though- I'm getting weary of the drama at RWI and wish to breathe some fresh air for a while... :wacko:

    My $0.002- I'd prefer something else. At work, I can safely visit these forums- but these ads are too close to the line.

  4. Yup, another one.... these things are sucking me in, and not slowly at that! have a couple of reps I picked up in Shanghai several years ago, but they are not much except curiosities. Those I've seen here, though... man! well, gimme some time and a good tax refund and we'll see what happens.

    I'm an engineer, pilot, ham (in more than one sense of the word), inveterate collector- of almost anything that doesn't try to collect me first!- airplane junk, radios over 100 lbs, clocks, slide rules, telephones, strange scientific stuff that nobody else would touch with a 10-foot pole..... and clox and, now, watches.

    There is a LOT of good info here, and from what I've seen some great folks. Looking forward to getting to know y'awl!java script:emoticon(':whistling:', 'smid_18')

    Paul- drhydro.

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