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Posts posted by fakemaster

  1. All the threads are there to read. I'm sure the admin doesn't want this forum filled up with duplicates. When it comes to ascertaining someone's intentions I think the most imposrtant thing you can do is analyze their behavior and responses. One of the things I pointed out over there and will here is this. Andrew was contacted by email by the admin over there and was presented with these allegations. He did not repsond to their inqquiries. When it was finally posted on the forum his first response was this.

    trustywatchguy wrote:

    Allegations? I havent been surfing the boards...Apologies.


    THAT set the tone for the rest of the thread. Later Andrew even claimed he was just a sales rep not a dealer. His responses got downright silly. You make of that what you will but I think that says quite a bit.

  2. Yes I know. I had one and I sold it. But the whole purpose in buying reps for me is to spend as little money as possible. If you've ever read any of my reviews I have pointed out repeatedly how the little things we obsess about are only visible in a picture that you've blown up 1000 times. But I am totally behind anyone who wants to spend the time to mod something. I mod things for people all the time myself. But in 20+ years I've never been called out on any rep I've worn so for me doing mods would only serve to ease my knowing something is not right. But it doesn't bother me so I don't. Like I said to each his own. :p

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