Save yourself 300 $! This work can be done within a hour and will cost you less than 20 $!
Ok AP freaks here's the thing.
I allready mentioned an idea I had about (re)spraypainting my upcoming AP Montauk Highway strap.
We all know that the REP AP factory strap sucks BIGTIME!
It's such a shame while the AP watches are spot on, the straps are crap. It's a big tell from a distance as we all know.
Maybe I have a (low budget) solution for those who do not have the $$$ for the real deal or a strap from AP bands at the moment. they are over $ 340 ,-. I guess eventually I will buy the GEN or AP bands strap but this will do it till then.
Just fot the record it is just a short term (low budget) solution for me and IMO the end result is better looking compared to the onmodded REP strap out of the box.
HERE WE GO NERDS!! (let the pics speak for themselves)
* What we need:
Still waiting for my AP with the brown strap to come but had a REP crappy black hornback in my drawer from an earlier just took my change, offcourse same can be done with the brown strap.
* First we remove the stitches ( I need blue ones in the end as we know)
(I had to study the stitching, never (re) stitched a strap before so took a good look how it's done while removing)
* OK, now we clean the strap with special leather cleaner
(as you can see, after cleaning you allready loose the shiny REP look, for those who wants to stick to a black strap you're task is allready done, it looks like GEN gator now allready)
* Once we have done that, it's time to repaint it with a (darker) brown colour, to get closer to the real deal.
* After repainting (spray) I cleaned it again to loose the new shiney brown look.
* Now we restitch the fu**er. :cool:
(Try to find the right colour stitching in a local shop)
(still need to stitch the short side but couldn't wait to write this turorial)
(Final one (crappy) shot from the GEN montauk strap, for comparing)
Tell me what you think guys....