A friend of mine that I had a few;) drinks with last night has a Festina Chrono Bike. It's the exact same one as In the picture. He really likes the watch but says It's uncomfortable on his 61/2 wrist. He said he paid around $300.00 for it about six months ago..he has all the paper work/proof of purchase.
I dont really care that much for quartz watches.... but they cant be beat for grab and go. he says that I can have It for $250.00...and I do like the looks of this particular watch.
So..does anyone here have experence with this brand or watch..If so..what are your thoughts. The truth Is ..I know very little about this brand. The watch does seem to be well made Imho.
Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.
Mike....(ps)..His favorite watch Is a 42 PO that he picked up from Andrew last year..lol