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Sa bezel swap issues


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Hi all,

I just tried to swap the bezel of my (V2) SA for a gen one but the screws seem to be fake and the bezel is pressed on. The rep's bezel sits tight that there is no way to remove it without damaging the case.

I have a gen bezel in stock and I read that some members did the swap. Are there different cases in the market? Some with screwed bezels like gen and some as mine?

BTW: Because of the bezel swap issues I cant remove the crystal for ar coating...

Your help is appriciated.

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If you have access to a local watchmaker, they should be able to get the bezel off without damaging the case if they have the correct bezel removing tool, like the Horotec. :drinks:

Yes, I think a professional should be able to remove the bezel. But I don't know whether the gen bezel will fit or not. How to get this assembled? Will the screws hold the bezel on the rep's case?

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This was discussed many a time before. I was looking to do the exact same thing, since the gen bezels are easily obtainable.

It is possible to pull the rep bezel off. It's not easy, but even if you do manage to, there is a ring that is missing on the V2 case where the gen bezel screws would attach under to hold it in place. Without this, the gen bezel slips right off.

The V1 SA case can accept a gen bezel, but comes with its own set of issues.

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