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Dropped IWC Pilot

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Hi All, my daughter dropped my IWC pilot the other day, although the watch still works the luminous strip for position 3, 6 & 9 have come off and are loose within the watch face, can anyone recommend someone in the UK who could open the watch up and stick them back on again!!



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Hi All, my daughter dropped my IWC pilot the other day, although the watch still works the luminous strip for position 3, 6 & 9 have come off and are loose within the watch face, can anyone recommend someone in the UK who could open the watch up and stick them back on again!!



First of all, welcome. I see this is your first post.. Sucks that your first post had to be about this.

Secondly, is your watch a replica or GEN?

Lastly, not too sure there are many watchmakers in the UK. Quite a few good repairmen, modders in the E.U. though. Do some research.. maybe one of them can help you out. Posting pictures on here, might also help.

Good luck

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