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Best choice for nOOb Rolex Rep


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Folks, could you help a noob out?

I'm stuck with which of these three watches to get as a noob rep around the $300 mark, likely from Josh@ perfect clones. I want a 40-44mm size SS watch with ETA movement, which is distinctine without being too showy.

I'd like a good finish on the watch, even if it is not that faithful a rep, and a fairly idiot-proof mechanism with some longevity to it. I'm unlikely to mod this first watch with Gen parts - I'll save that for another purchase!

Before finding RWG I bought a couple of 'toy' reps at the $100 mark which I didn't like, and a couple of PAM reps which were better but the mechanisms were rubbish.

Having read the forum for the past 5 days (and not done as much of everything else as I should) I have these choices in weak order of preference:

(Please put the dot back in after the www on the links - I haven't enough posts to be able to add proper links yet!!!)

40mm LV Sub ETA 2836-2

www 1-pc8838.com/rlss10003-black-dial-50th-anni-swiss-28362-p-1023.html

The black bezel subs aren't really my thing but I do like the LV version. This goes top of list because it strikes me that Subs are the most repped Rolex and you get a lot of detail for the money. Also given the lack of modifications to the mechanism it should be more robsut.

40mm GMT Master II ETA 2836-2 Coke rather than Pepsi, non CHS version

www 1-pc8838.com/rlgs10001-master-blackred-bezel-swiss-28362-p-2552.html

It just looks so pretty! Definitely top of my list in terms of visual appeal. Shame about the dark red on the GMT hand but I can live with that.

40mm Explorer II ETA 2836-2, white dial (noob factory version)

www 1-pc8838.com/rlex01001-explorer-series-updated-white-swiss-2836-p-5883.html

To my eye and from reviews, this is quite a good rep. I have slight concerns about the GMT function hence I picked the non CHS version - is it robust or will it fail like it did in my cheap pam luminor GMT?

2011 Explorer II Asian ETA 2836-2, the one with AR and Blue lume

www 1-pc8838.com/rlex00021-2011-explorer-42mm-ssss-white-a2836-p-10628.html

OK so I got drawn in by th blue lume and the AR but also it has a nive bright red on the GMT hand.

I would appreciate your comments on my choices. All other things being equal, which one of these four would you take and why?

Thanks guys ...


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