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I like learning about stuff...like fixing vintage watches. That led me to looking for spare parts...which led me here.

Great info on this site. I'll be lurking for a bit. I can certdinly appreciate the effort that this must take.


Welcome to RWGF, lurking is fine, but make sure you read, and learn from all the valuable info, and advice available at your fingertips here :)


I have been reading quite a bit. Larger forums with several years of content are much like my basement. I know it's there somewhere, but sometimes it's easier to buy a new one than find the old.


I'm starting with a 1655 project, and have 2-3 more to do for friends/family. Lots of reading to do. I also need to buy the tools and learn where the best suppliers for parts are.


Anywho...Thanks for the site. I have/do own several 20,000+ member forums, so I know what to expect.

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