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Another Update --


5 hours later (been running for about 35 hours so far) & the 5G still indicates 25% battery left. So this thing is likely to run Rockbox, which is a power hog compared to the Apple OS, for 50+ hours on a single charge! I was getting 6-7 hours with the 5G running Rockbox with the OEM battery/60G hdd. These results are way beyond my wildest expectations! And because the 5G version of Rockbox now provides for 3,000mAh batteries, I think the modded 5G is my little radio station's new daily driver.

Just fyi -- the sound quality of either of these ipods, whether OEM or modded, is better than the best you will hear out of any smartphone. So if you are an audiophile & want to take your music with you, I would highly recommend these mods. So far -- assuming you do not break something in the process -- other than the cost of the hardware (Rockbox is free) & an hour or 2 of your time, there are 0 downsides.

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