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Broken Minute Subdial Shaft In The New Asian 7750

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A couple of days ago I found that date stopped changing in my

Tag Link Chrono. It happened before, so I knew that most likely the little wire spring,

which helps the date wheel to be positioned correctly, had slipped,

so I removed all the hands, and the dial, and fixed that little problem.

When I started assembling the watch back, I discovered that the tiny shaft for the

minute chrono subdial (12) is absent. I found it later sticking out of the hand.

I tried to be very cautious when removing the hands, but apparently manage to break

it. So my queston is, whether this is reasonably easy fixable/replaceable part, or all I can

do is to get a new asian 7750 movement? Any suggestion and advice is greatly appreciated,

because this blue Tag is one of my favorites, and you know how it feels,

when your favorite toy is broken. :mellow:


You have two problems...

1. you have to remove the broken post from the hand,

2. replacing the 12 hour wheel, is one of the most difficult parts of assembling the 7750, see my how-it-works here for what your up against...

7750 12-hour wheel info

Unless you have experience assembling a 7750, your better off letting a watchmaker fix it.


You have two problems...

1. you have to remove the broken post from the hand,

2. replacing the 12 hour wheel, is one of the most difficult parts of assembling the 7750, see my how-it-works here for what your up against...

7750 12-hour wheel info

Unless you have experience assembling a 7750, your better off letting a watchmaker fix it.


Thank you, The Zigmeister. Apparently, this is beyond my current level of watch fixing skills,

so would you mind if I PM you with the request for help?

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