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Beautiful girl and a couple of hillbillies


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A beautiful young woman is driving down a country road when her car suddenly brakes down in front of an old farm house. On the porch of the farm house sit 2 hillbilly brothers who are watching the beauty approach.

The woman walks up to the brothers and says, "Excuse me boys, can you help me? It seems my car has broken down and I could really use a ride into town."

The brothers look at each either with excitement! Clem says, "Me n Billy Ray would love fer to give ya a ride miss, but ifin ya want a ride, ya gotta git nekid and screw us both first!".

The young lady looks the brothers over and says, "You are both handsome, strapping young men. A girl could do worse. Besides, I really need that ride. But, if you want to make love to me, you are both going to have to wear rubbers."

Billy Ray and Clem look at each other with puzzled looks on their faces and Billy Ray says, "Whut fer? It ain't rainin."

The woman reaches into her purse and pulls out 2 condoms and says, "No silly, not those kind of rubbers, these kind of rubbers. You put them on your penis so I won't get pregnant."

The brothers look at each other again, shrug their shoulders and say "Awright!!"

So, they go at it for a couple of hours and when they are finished, the boys give the young lady a ride into town where she hires a mechanic to fix her car and she drives away.

About 2 months later, Clem and Billy Ray are sitting on the porch looking rather uncomfortable. Billy Ray turns to Clem and they have the following conversation:

BR: "Hey Clem?"

C: "Ya Billy Ray."

BR: "You member thet lady thet wuz here while back thet screwed us stupit?"

C: "Yep. I sure do."

BR: "You really care ifin she gits pregnant?"

C: "Nope." (Scratching uncomfortably at his crotch.)

BR: "Then lets take these DAMN rubbers off now!!"

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