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Just received my BlackBird...Problem keeping time

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I just received my BlackBird from Joshua, I just got done sizing it, and I wound it and set the time. In the past 2 hours it has lost about 3 minutes, I am going to let it go until tomorrow without resetting the time, but if it keeps loosing time, can I regulate it myself? I am pretty familiar with opening the case back and I know where the regulator is, but can I try to do it myself? Which way should I move the regulator?

Anyone who has done this, can you give me any tips/hints on what to do?

Thank you!!


Just give it a couple of days before you start messing with it. Sometimes the watches have a short break in period before they start keeping accurate time. I would just wait. If not, there are tutorials around that will tell you how to adjust the time. Remember anything that you touch in there must be done super baby steps at a time! We're talkin barely making it move! Good luck.


What you will do is adjust one of the two arms next to the balance wheel. The one you will move has two dots on it, DO NOT touch the other one. Use a small screwdriver to push this arm AWAY FROM the other one. This will speed it up. Move it a tiny bit, then check it for an hour. Make sure you keep track of the hourly +or

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