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@ Dani

But the pic you show is a normal sec@9 on the 30-minutes counter.....they just shoot the pic with running chrono!

I like the "standard" Shaq without the bling-bling.....but it is sooo far away from the real one, 2mm too small in diameter, rehaut has the wrong angle, numbers are white not grey (as should), movement wrong (standard 7750 low beat) and the worst part of it and the reason that made me say NO...the datewindow is soooo ugly....too small, wrong place, lense on the dial but no cutting out for the 2 layers of dial (well, there is only 1 layer :D ), the font of the date is completely wrong and extremely ugly.

I would buy it anyway IF the pricetag will be below 250....but for nearly 400 bucks I rather through my money out of da window :clown:



@ Dani

But the pic you show is a normal sec@9 on the 30-minutes counter.....they just shoot the pic with running chrono!

I like the "standard" Shaq without the bling-bling.....but it is sooo far away from the real one, 2mm too small in diameter, rehaut has the wrong angle, numbers are white not grey (as should), movement wrong (standard 7750 low beat) and the worst part of it and the reason that made me say NO...the datewindow is soooo ugly....too small, wrong place, lense on the dial but no cutting out for the 2 layers of dial (well, there is only 1 layer :D ), the font of the date is completely wrong and extremely ugly.

I would buy it anyway IF the pricetag will be below 250....but for nearly 400 bucks I rather through my money out of da window :clown:


I now all the flaws on this no need to tell me.

Its advertised as a sec at 12 from a good off board dealer he also has the sec at 9 tht has been on the marked for some weeks.

will see in a short time when it comes to the cartel if its indeed a sec at 12 or a sec at 9-..


Here is a pic of the non-bling Shaq Josh and others offer for around 3 weeks now:


This is the sec@9 version and it looks quite similar to the pic you posted....why should they make a sec@12 and forget to update the datewindow???

Anyway....lets whait and see, I would be more than tempted for a good Shaq :D


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