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Posted (edited)

I got this from Josh about a week ago and I just can't seem to get it off my wrist.

On another post on RWI they talk about “what do you say when someone comments on your watch”, well yesterday I was at lunch and a friend of mine has the same explorer I just got he says to me hey we have the same watch. You have to understand no one knows or would ever expect I have a rep and everyone in my town has a Rolex I mean everyone (well not everyone but almost) its a Latin thing I don’t know why. I know his is a gen so right off the bat I say oh yah I just got it he says cool man its nice I remember when mine looked all new a shiny like that. I say to him give it time mine will get all older looking like yours, we took them both off and had a look at each others watch now both watches and being pass around a table with 7 guys and everyone has a Rolex on not one time did I ever hear this does not feel right or your dial markers are silver not black and believe me if one guy in the table would suspect it was a rep they would let me know, my friends do not hold back believe me. I only wish I had my camara so I could have taken pics so we could compare them.

Just wanted to share the story.





Edited by monster-rat1

Liked your story. Truth is, if your social or economic status, or at least perceived status, makes it plausible that you might own a several thousand dollar watch, it would never occur to 99% of the people that yours is a knockoff. Moreover, in many circles, people don't even know that good knockoffs exist, and it would never occur to them to buy one or that anyone "like them" would buy one.

I know two firefighters who own new submariners. They're not rich, but they pull overtime and they like watches, so their priority was to buy the watches they want. It would never occur to me that theirs are fake (and I don't believe they are). A lot of people who idolize a certain watch will also extend themselves to buy a high-status watch. So, unless you or your social and work circles are incongrous with nice things, it's usually just not an issue!

BTW, nice Explorer



i dont think stainless steel gen rolex are beyond reach even for blue collar workers .

i know some blue collar workers whom pull over $100k per year here in NYC ..

SO i dont think stainless steel gen rolex are only for the rich ...

now the solid 18k models are another ball of wax :thumbsupsmileyanim:

love the explorer man !! :wub:


"jnkay" Your right about the social or economic status and it's not like I'm trying to pass off a 20K All gold watch.

"2005SUBMARINER" Thanks for the comments :)

I'm glad you guys like the watch I'm taking it out on the boat today I hope it's water tight I hope to take some pics out today.

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