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7750 for Daytona Sec at 9

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I'm reasonably new to the rep addiction. Anyway cut to the chase!!!

I have a Daytona 7750 seconds at 9 which has stopped working properly. No matter how many winds I give it it will only run for 20mins. I conclude that the rotor is not charging the movement. The rotor is free to move and the movement is clean.

I am in the market for a replacement movement. Does anybody have one/ know someone who sells them? I have tried some dealers on here and the other place but to no avail.

Does anyone know what causes this? :huh:

Cheers :)


The movement probably needs servicing. Unserviced 7750's can last a year...many times longer. A serviced a7750 can last a lifetime, but needs a cleaning and oiling every 5 years.

Replacement movements are probably around $150+ shipping and a movement swap if you can't do it yourself is around $100.

Contact Peter (Watchstation). He should be able to get a movement for you.


Thanks Toad,

The watch is currently in the hands of a watchsmith friend who only works on high end gen stuff in a big AD chain. He cannot get the necessary parts. My idea was to pick up a new clean movement and he would fit and service it. The result would hopefully be a near bomb proof daytona!!


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