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Hi everyone :)

I'm an American living and working in Norway. Right now I'm on a ship in the North Sea.

My first encounter with a replica was many years ago when a buddy of mine came home from vacation. It was ofcourse, a Rolex. Small, cheaply made and obviously a total fake. But still, it got my interest even if I didn't like the watch. More and more friends came home with these and all of them were Rolexes. I think that is why I shy away from Rolex, seems like most people automatically think they're fake even when they're genuine.

My next encounter was when another friend came home from the Far East with a real replica Breitling. He told me how they didnt try to sell it as genuine, took him to a visit to the factory where they made them and showing how each component was stamped like the original. I was sold. The watch had the look and feel of a machine, not a watch.

Then I was on a ship and we had port of call in NewYork. I was walking in Manhattan when this guy asked me if I wanted to by a genuine Rolex for $800. I answered no, its a fake! So he tried to convince me that it was the real deal by showing me other cheaply made copies and giving prices on them that went all the way down to $20. The $20 one was like the ones' my friends first brought home. So I convinced him that I knew that all of them were fake and started haggling the price of the $800 "genuine article" I think I was pushing for like $50 when the captain of the ship grabbed me away and put me in a taxi because we had to go. Damn! I wanted that watch! It looked and felt great and I didn't even care that it was a Rolex!

After that my wife and I were on vacation in Portugal when I arrainged with the bartender at the hotel to meet a guy that sells replica Breitlings. My wife (now ex) exlaimed that if I meet the guy, its over! " because you are so stupind and always get ripped off!" So.. no watch that time either. :huh:

So it was then I started looking on the internett. I don't know why but the interest just kind of faded away. Until a few weeks ago when an add came up on Facebook. So I started looking and looking. Got it in my head that I wanted an IWC. FOund all kinds of sites selling the reps, warnings not buy, to be aware of forums because they just support bogus dealers, etc etc. But then I read a review by Pugwash of the IWC Aquatimer. Gosh, that guy can write a review that makes you almost HAVE to have the watch! Look at the pics and read the description sold me. The article lead me to find this forum.

I joined and started reading through the threads, reviews etc... Really really cool what you guys are doing here!

So I'm FINALLY buying my first replica!! I don't care that its a replica, for me its almost better than getting an original...Can't wait to get home!!

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Welcome to RWG Jim. I can relate to your story. My story is realy not that much differant. I totaly agree with you about Rolexes. I will probably never have one because of the fact that Rolex is synonymous with fake. There are some nice looking Rolexes so you never know. I was about to purchase a rep from exactreplica. I felt uncomfortable so I did some research. Thats how I found RWG. Im so glad I did. When I first arrived here members warned me about the addiction, I thought they were joking. They were not joking. This is a bonafide dependency. I hope you like the Goverment cheese ;) RWG is a fantastic community, I know your going to love it here. Welcome :) Mike

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Welcome to RWG Jim. I can relate to your story. My story is realy not that much differant. I totaly agree with you about Rolexes. I will probably never have one because of the fact that Rolex is synonymous with fake. There are some nice looking Rolexes so you never know. I was about to purchase a rep from exactreplica. I felt uncomfortable so I did some research. Thats how I found RWG. Im so glad I did. When I first arrived here members warned me about the addiction, I thought they were joking. They were not joking. This is a bonafide dependency. I hope you like the Goverment cheese ;) RWG is a fantastic community, I know your going to love it here. Welcome :) Mike

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the welcome :)

I've been doing a lot of reading here on the site. Learning and putting together bits and pieces of information. Although I haven't received my first rep yet, I'm already drooling over my second. I have the addiction! Its been laying latent in me all along and now its full blown. I can see myself with a collection in the future. Before finding the site, I was in an AD looking at trying the watches, knowing all along that all I really wanted was a rep.

Its kind of mind-blowing with all the information that is gathered here on the site. Serious stuff. Really have to respect a lot of guys that I don't even know. Just glad they're here to share their knowledge with not only eachother but with (hate the word) us noobs. I've really just put my trust in what they've written already and taken their advice without asking questions. I don't even feel nervous about it either. I know the risks and problems that might arise but right now I don't really care. Live and learn. Hopefully I'll be able to pass some knowledge on to others myself later on.

Anyway, its nice to see you take the time to welcome us new guys.


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I can totaly relate Jim. I also dont care for the tag "noob" But I guess thats the price we pay as new members. ;) It does indeed sound like your a full blown addict. It is a ocupational hazzard :D The main thing to remember is to stick to the dealers here at RWG. These dealers have a proven track record. The last watch I orderd arrived not running properly. The dealer said to send it back and he would send out a new watch. The watch is on It's way back to me by express mail. The dealer is picking up the tab, also read the trade reveiws. It gives one a lot of insight not only on the dealer but also on specfic watches, again welcome and enjoy :) Mike

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