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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2024 in Posts

  1. Nos SMP, 12 or 15 years old... Two more still in plastic wrap... The San Luis Obispo County road map is from the early 1940s when my father was in artillery training at Fort Ord, Monterey Bay CA. He landed at Utah Beach August 1944 and fought in the Battle of the Bulge in Patton's Third Army (Lt. Colonel). Have a picture he took of a wooden road sign shaped like an arrow out in the middle of nowhere with 'LEMANS' painted on it. He also visited the first concentration camp liberated by the Americans...rough going for all involved. One of the guys under his command made the deepest incursion on foot into enemy territory during WW II and returned safely. The same guy used to come to cook-out parties at our place when I was a kid. I remember they had some he!! raising parties. The old B-B-Q fireplace from back then is still standing in our back yard...full of nicks from gunshots. There was a three door chicken house behind it that caught most of the stray bullets. We tore it down, it was shot full of holes. Learned to drive out back on our Ford 8N tractor. No chickens, no cows, no goats, no horses...just neighbors now. We got rid of the goats because they climbed on top of Mom's Jeep. We got rid of my horse because it kicked a Zippo lighter out of my Dad's shirt pocket. We ate most of the chickens. The rest got away. Can't eat the neighbors...I heard it's against the law. Pics taken 2-24-24. Did not put them in the Omega section because it is not very busy.
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