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Everything posted by jonthebhoy

  1. Puggy - You've just given me an idea for a future PoM! Whoever can come up with the best collective noun for "Losers" gets the prize. JTB
  2. On Tuesday evening I was preparing a nice chicken madras curry for my lovely wife. It was the whole nine yards with everything but the kitchen sink in it. (I can make a mean curry) Whilst dicing the onions I got distracted by our wee West Highland Terrier who was trying to attract my attention……..next thing………….AAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGH! I only sliced the tip off my thumb. There isn’t much to see so no point in posting a big bandaged thumb but as the piece didn’t come completely off I just folded it back on and strapped it up. My neighbour who is a doctor said I shouldn’t worry and that I should still be able to play the piano, which is fabulous news as I couldn’t play it before. Seriously though……my monthly snooker game is on Friday night and the affected thumb is on my bridging hand, so I’m going to look a right Charlie Corroli. Any suggestions? JTB
  3. As I said in another thread.......I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be called a "Loser" than here! JTB
  4. Thanks guys. If I wanted to be a loser anywhere....then it would be here. JTB
  5. I'm A LOSER!!!!! "Goodnight mother" JTB
  6. "Siempre - coqetiando y enganyando" as Strummer once said. JTB
  7. Agreed Ken.................besides it's a sad old day when we allow the sale of women's make-up. Ban all rouge dealers I say! JTB PS - Couldn't resist.
  8. Mmm.........not sure about that Richard. Enthusiasm takes many forms - I enthuse about my guitars and I enjoy playing them but I won't tackle a refret or rewire pick-ups or renew a truss rod and I most certainly would be unhappy if I bought a guitar with any of these items faulty and furthermore then be told "Go on fix it yourself, it's easy!". To re-emphasise my earlier point - if the expectation is that the purchaser should rectify such perceived "minor" defects and he, through inexperience or clumsiness, screws something else up (or worst case scenario - there are other faults when the bonnet is lifted).....well that's a whole new ball game (as we have seen on these boards many times before). In this case it's a simple agreement between buyer and seller to have the problem fixed by someone who knows what they are doing. If that has to mean sending it back then so be it, however I agree, for a watchsmith it's a 10 minute fix. Let's not get too snobby about our pastime. There are some who will want to tinker with their wares but the vast majority won't and who are we to criticise because they don't know how to replace an o-ring or a canon-pinion for example. JTB
  9. Excellent........and I didn't realise that wee Craig Ferguson was now an American TV host. JTB
  10. It's a bit too 'Charlie Corroli' for my tastes but each to their own I suppose! JTB
  11. Expecting the purchaser to attempt the fix drags the issue into a greyer area. What happens if during the uncasing something else is discovered as avitt has suggested above? Then it becomes a bitching session about “Well you must have done that yourself in attempting the repair”. I would guess that most members on RWG are not confident about carrying out repairs that involve removing the movement. The repair should only be carried out by someone who knows exactly what to do and thus I would suggest that the buyer and seller agree how this should be done. And yes I’m all for learning how to do repairs but I’d pick a sacrificial rep that I would be prepared to lose, should I screw up the exercise. JTB
  12. I have about 24 and I have to say I only wear about 8 so look out for the JTB Christmas clear-out coming to a forum near you soon. Much quality and much cheapness! JTB
  13. You need a new monitor my friend. Mess about with the photo on Photoshop and you'll see. JTB
  14. Glad to see you are still around Halley but studies come first in my book so stick in there laddie! JTB
  15. I was logged into RWG one night with no shoes on......just socks! JTB
  16. What was it John Lennon once wrote? 'Happiness is a warm gun' And look what it did for him! JTB
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