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Everything posted by jonthebhoy

  1. Having had a rethink about this and having had a good look at his past history.........slay's account has been suspended for 5 days subject to further discussion amongst the Admin team. We will not tolerate such inflammatory and disgusting remarks on this board. Be warned. JTB
  2. Yes and for that he's on a warning. JTB
  3. Now yer cooking with gas. Watches and guitars is by me. Bonus is no-one ever got killed by a guitar headstock.............to the best of my knowledge. JTB
  4. Disagree Michael...............let's drag the debate to the bitter end. Kicking and screaming if necessary, for it needs to be had. JTB
  5. Okay.............I'm getting sucked into this debate much to my chagrin. A knife in the hands of a woodcarver..........or a surgeon...........or a fishgutter..........or a painter......yes a painter has a certain relevance. Anyone else..........fogetaboudit. Unfortunately "anyone else" covers the majority of the user group. They are primarily used in this world as weapons of violence and don't dress the argument up as anything else. I can carve wood with flint or gut fish with my nails and hands or paint with brushes and stones. I'm not against seling these things on the board but honest opinion...........a world without knives is a better world IMHO. JTB
  6. And I'm betting this will be music to Finepics ears! Thanks for this ziggy. JTB
  7. Maybe a tad too close but it looks like you've got a good macro function on that camera. A little more time on the shot set-up (contrasting backgrounds etc.) and a little photoshop to take away the blandness and to bring out the watch wouldn't go amiss either. JTB
  8. Welcome vaca but beware rep collecting is a serious addiction. JTB
  9. The only self defence tool I need is kissing.................Glesca style..............as poorly demonstrated by this [censored]! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YflcBvtBvw JTB
  11. Move house immediately, buy a paper shredder. Replace your pc NOW! - destroy your old one and melt the hard drive. Remove yourself from the membership of all rep forums. Change your name. You never existed. You are someone else now. Kill your wife/gf - they can no longer be trusted! Learn another language and don't eat pickled onions anymore. or instead........ relax and wait for your watch to arrive. JTB
  12. You should have........in fact you should have 'Baseball Control Laws' as well! JTB
  13. Excellent diary thread Puggy. Glad you caught up with Reg and Neil. Would have been a shame to go all that way and not share a beer or three. I'm keen to go out there for a holiday myself and you have just gee'd me on again. JTB
  14. Neil, Knives are indeed multifarious instruments, however such varied uses are contextual in relation to their geographical placement. Our mutual friend Bob – up there in the Alaskan north – will no doubt, on many an occasion, find it necessary to be armed to the teeth with such instruments and more. However, in sunny Blackhill, Priesthill, Easterhouse or any other low-brow West of Scotland housing estate - in fact let’s not discount respectable places like Balloch for instance - the carrying of such tools are generally for one purpose and one purpose only and it ain’t gutting fish or defending one’s self against grizzly bears, far less cutting tow ropes . Perma-smile engineers roam our streets nightly looking for prey and frankly I’m glad we introduced the knife ban here. Doesn’t totally solve the problem of course but it’s a step in the right direction. I’m not poo pooing this market – a time and a place is fair enough, but whilst the examples that you illustrate are indeed works of art - a knife is a knife is a knife in these lands. Must Skype soon. Off to Crieff at the weekend, hob-nobbing in the Hydro. Which rep to wear, that’s the thing? Gotta be your Panny 8-day. Catch up when I get back. J
  15. Lovely as they are, in this place they would only be ornaments. Get caught carrying one of those babies and you are some ways on the black bus to the slammer. Rightly so IMHO. Knives, guns, knuckledusters, whips (well maybe not whips) are, unfortunately, tools of violence and as I'm a pacifist I'll pass. Beautiful photos though! JTB
  16. ........as opposed to large qualtities like these: JTB
  17. I most certainly enjoyed. Thanks for posting. When I first joined the boards nearly 3 years ago - these were very popular and it's easy to see why. JTB
  18. Mine's was more of a chortle.........a quiet chortle. JTB
  19. The HOTTEST deal of them all.............is here! JTB
  20. I sent away some dollars to one of our esteemed sub dealers in China. I was told he could get me one of the A+ vintage K19 subs. To cut a long story short I got sent this PoS............... JTB
  21. All of this gets me thinking about.........who has written the best "Who has the best sub?" post? Answers on a postcard. JTB
  22. The sandwich dial makes your mug wobbly. JTB
  23. Good result by Liverpool even if the performance was sketchy. I see Chelsea got their revenge as well. It was a good goal by Diddy Drogba although I have to say he’s one of the biggest cheating barstewards in the game. Its time referees wised up to this clowns antics. So having had a good look at the rest of what Europe has to offer……….we fear no-one! Hail Hail. JTB
  24. Missed the point. Monosyllabically please Bob. JTB
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