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Everything posted by jonthebhoy

  1. I was just about to say (before scrolling down), has nanuq saw this? JTB
  2. Is them the Ochil Hills laddie? JTB
  3. You know...the more I see these....... JTB
  5. With a little bit of magic I suspect. :sorcerer: JTB
  6. Mmmm................I wonder who could do that? JTB
  7. That makes perfect sense. Unfortunately I panicked and immediately went for "Reply" instead of "PM" which is on the other side of the screen. I've given myself a verbal warning with a threat to up it to "Official Warning" should there be further transgressions. It's pissing! JTB
  8. That's a very nice first post on this most auspicious of occasions. JTB
  9. Someone once told me that they saw "Ralgex" on the back of one. I explained that it made sense...........as you'd need the bloody stuff to rub on your jaws as they'd be so sore from laughing. JTB
  10. Now that he knows you are mates with Mick Jagger, I'm sure he'll hurry along your delivery.............or maybe not. JTB
  11. Well?..............What are you waiting for? http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showforum=125 Courtesy of da boss, Admin. JTB
  12. I'll have a word with the Boss. JTB
  13. Aye wee Katie has certainly done well for herself lately. Born in Edinburgh and brought up in St. Andrews, where I'm off to at the weekend. Let's keep this thread populated with some good toons folks. "The Clap" Bob? You do like a challenge. Takes me back to 1976ish when Yes were touring here. My mate and I bunked off school one day and hung around Glasgow Apollo, where Yes were playing that night. We managed to meet the guys in the afternoon as they were going into the venue for their sound check and Steve Howe invited us in (much to the displeasure of the venue management). Anyways, he asked us if there was anything we'd like to hear during the soundcheck and yes you've got it, we asked for The Clap. He duly obliged. When I sit back and think about it......it's pretty awesome.......Steve Howe played The Clap for me and my mate (and maybe a few of the sound crew as well I suppose). Wow! JTB
  14. I'm sure PLG is a good coach and will get better when his English improves but you've got to wonder what the conversations between him and wee Bammy are like. JTB
  15. Big respect to you Randy - one of our most popular members. JTB
  16. Miller time is coming and "no sooner said" springs to mind. Saturday coming I'm sure weighs heavy on your mind. JTB
  17. I have a habit of missing these! Sorry Chris. Hope you had a great day. JTB
  18. Damn...........You're a month late starbu. This would have won nanuq's Humourous Post of the Month Award. There's no accounting for timing I s'pose...............bit like Rangers strike force. JTB
  19. Welcome fellow Scot! r11co (also a Jock) is one of our resident PO officianados. Nice to have another from God's country. JTB PS - Good hunting Will.
  20. As long as a can get tae play wae yer big beamer.............to coin a phrase! JTB One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble Not much between despair and ecstasy One night in Bangkok and the tough guys tumble Can't be too careful with your company I can feel the devil walking next to me
  21. At the outset this was an entertaining and, for some, informative thread...........and now that it has been crapped all over so much that it looks like a pile of guacamole that's gone 6 months past its "use by" date and is rapidly becoming as useful as a chocolate fireguard, I fear it has a limited existance should the automatic gainsaying continue. JTB
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