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Everything posted by jonthebhoy

  1. You should Ken. Trust me....you should. JTB
  2. NEXT................... Name this piece of music and who wrote it: JTB
  3. I'm about to lose control and I think I like it. JTB Sorry for this but I just had to exorcise the demon that is the second line of the title of this thread in the oh too familiar song. Everytime I scrolled through posts and hit this one I kept repeating that next line and couldn't progress to the next post. Hopefully I will be cured now.
  4. There's a touch of Gregory Peck about Ryyannon.........in the twilight of his career of course. JTB
  5. Not everyone can perform a suvery. It's a very difficult manoevre. Anatoli Crapitoff attempted it in the 1968 Olympics and ended up in traction for 3 long years. It takes a lot of skill, dedication and suppleness and in your tender years Admin........I would dismiss the idea altogether! JTB
  6. Have to agree. We need a sense of perspective here. Steve Irwin is a great loss and a man in the prime of his life whose death is more shocking by it's manner but he was no Attenborough. Attenborough is the guy that they all try and aspire to and seldom, if any do. As Neil says tho', may he rest in peace and may his family be comforted at this difficult time. JTB
  7. CORRECT John Loudon Macadam - The Scotsman who invented the stuff you drive your cars on. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_MacAdam JTB
  8. I gave a hint earlier but it seems everyone missed it. You should all be tarred and feathered! JTB
  9. Welcome both. Read plenty and prosper. JTB
  10. My very first Pam I ever got - the very reliable and ubiquitous 111. No photo cos my phone camera is crap. JTB
  11. Nothing to do with wars Everythingape........you're on the wrong road there. And might I suggest that this one needs to be solved before ahchards!!! JTB
  12. Darius - a very belated but nonetheless Happy Birthday to ya. Now go and spend some of that birthday money on an upgraded membership. JTB
  13. jonthebhoy

    Rwg Mug

    In a Karen Dunbar voice: When one resides 300 yards from the shores of Loch Lomond, one can truly and without fear of condemnation, proudly boast that one receives the finest drinking water in all of the world through ones draw-off taps. One rests one's case. JTB
  14. I'm beginning to come around to ryyannon's thinking that maybe we should build in some sort of fee to all members. I was never for this before but when I get to thinking of all the work that goes into making this site what it is then I feel we are grossly underestimating our (and especially Admin's) endeavours. Sure we would get flak from the "opposition" but I truly believe we are the best at what we do but staying in that position will become increasingly difficult without proper resources. The other by-product would be that the wheat would most certainly be separated from the chaff. JTB
  15. Effin hell............you've been hangin around that finishing school in Pattaya again, haven't you? JTB
  16. Going..............going................gone! You mean. JTB
  17. Strange thing is.........Sinatra always had problems with watches. Everytime anyone asked him the time he'd belt out................... ....................."It's quarter to three......" JTB
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