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Everything posted by jonthebhoy

  1. And ave you a leesonce fer yoor minkee?
  2. The money Neil makes from selling reps just about keeps him in Coco Pops..............now where he really makes his money is selling his body for sex! JTB
  3. Ah.......as the cured blind man said........"I see now". JTB
  4. I thought it would be at least Post 40 before we got a graph.........but hey.........good Ol Ken slammed me down there. Sheesh......shows what I know! JTB
  5. 8 hours (but in reality probably longer as the deeper you go the harder it is to get the stuff out! )
  6. Phew I nearly forgot what to write for looking at the avatar and picture above /\ ...but hey.........Congratulations Andrew. Best wishes to the missus! JTB
  7. All the very best to you MVB in your future endeavours. JTB
  8. I'll look into it Ken. JTB Meantime read all about it: http://www.scotlandrus.com/irnbru.html
  9. Can I just add that the said Irn Bru must be manufactured by Barrs. There are lots of cheap imitations out there but there is only 1 Barrs Irn Bru. Accept no substitutes! JTB PS - I'm at work (working) Neil - so no Skype.
  10. For the record Chris's survey carries the blessing of RWG Admin and Mods. JTB
  11. Aren't Mods allowed to thread crap? JTB
  12. At least you guys haven't been bragging about winning the league already............unlike the punters from Castle Greyskull. Sheesh.....bluenoses! JTB
  13. I have nothing funny to add..............except..........(seeing as I saw Chris in this thread).................. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha HEARTS! Your money is on it's way Chris but we're quite happy to take the £8m from you guys as well. JTB PS.........Well done Puggy!
  14. I would replace that screwed linkpin right away. The head looks a bit iffy. JTB
  15. Yes......oldies but goodies nevertheless! JTB
  16. Your addiction is now very serious. See a doctor immediately! JTB
  17. I'll go for 16 apples.............just to be different.
  18. Previous winners are eligible but don't be running down to Ladbrokes to place a bet on yourself! JTB
  19. Wot the big Aussie said! JTB
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