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Everything posted by jonthebhoy

  1. Fraid so........ZZs actions aside. Barthez never made one save......other than the one he flapped at and missed. When italy equalised they went back to their bad old ways of defending at all costs. The french weren't much coup cop either. The game between Germany and Italy was THE game of an otherwise dull tournament. Sorry..........just the way I saw it. JTB
  2. Another happy ending. Much kudos to both parties. BTW.......I've actually never seen a sheared rotor screw..........then again I've never seen an elephant fly either! JTB
  3. No matter.......he deserved to walk the walk. Now where did you say the family shop was? Freebies all round this week? JTB
  4. ZZ will rue the day he strolled down the rue de shame. The iconic image we will see of him for years will be that rear end picture of him walking past the world cup on his way to the early-ish shower. JTB
  5. I know exactly what you mean. Here's two pictures of me. The first one taken directly head on: and one taken with my head slightly turned: It's amazing. Damn those cheatin dealers! JTB
  6. You obviously never followed the link Rico! Anyways, moving on..................From the BBC: And for this...........I would have nutted him also........but it would have been the Glasgow variety! I would have spread his already bent nose all over his face. JTB
  7. I don't get anal about these things. They keep good time. Nuff said. JTB
  8. BRILLIANT..................but I think we've now crapped enough in this thread. JTB
  9. Add another one for me. 1950 JTB
  10. I learned it all from my minkee, who is French. JTB
  11. He says it's in the Guardian Chris. Why would you want it in Italian? JTB
  12. Beat you to it Rico. See here: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=8141&hl= JTB
  13. I heard Zidane has applied for a leeeesonce! JTB
  14. As a post script.........it's just been announced that Zidane has been awarded the Golden Ball (Player of the tournament). http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/w...006/5154248.stm So what does that say? JTB
  15. The nipple nipping aside, Zidane was wrong in so many ways............however I'd still like to know what Mr. Matterazzi said to him. On the whole..........a very ordinary final in a very ordinary tournament. JTB
  16. http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showto...;hl=watch+count
  17. ...........also it only works for 2 weeks and then it goes out! JTB
  18. I've notified Admin. JTB
  19. We could always combine the two Reg: JTB
  20. Try again Reg! Failing that we'll ask admin to look into it. JTB
  21. Great to be reminded of these Neil. Superb! JTB
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