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Posts posted by AMK000

  1. PS: if I ever have a crystal to send out for AR, whatever new EU member offer it in the future, I will send it to Chief! Period.

    I might go for it soon.

    Stephane , my dear friend :) ... you know that this is not always possible.

    This can only be done if one is skillful enough to disassemble the watch without breaking something and has also the right tools to do so.

    Send the whole watch head to US , .... most EU customs will "trap" it when it comes back (...apart the fact that Chief is not disassembling watches)

    That's the reason why many EU members are looking for a good AR treatment in EU (combined with movement service).

    ...... this hobby of ours is killing me :D

  2. @Pix:

    Thanks for posting the photo (PO with green AR).

    I agree. Is horrible.

    One question here , do you know if this PO had the AR treatment while had not AR (or had the existing AR removed) or the CHN factory std AR was not removed first before applying the new one ??

    If the 2nd is true , (and it resulted to a green bad AR).... then maybe if we make sure that Roketeer removes well the existing AR first ... then maybe (I say maybe) the new AR it doesn't look so bad.

  3. I've heard that he's asked a couple customers now to spread the word about his AR services on the forums...

    @Chief: Even though I am sure that your statement is not referring to me ... I feel clarifying that Geoff didn't asked me to do so (spreading the word regarding his UK AR).

    It is just me asking other members for their their experiences (if any) regarding this new AR before accepting Geoff's offer.


    In any case, I will not flame (yet) Rocketeer until I see the results of his work regarding AR and movement service.

    Need to judge with my own eyes first. If results are bad, I will let the community know. If good, I will also do the same.

  4. I got an email back from Rocketeer this morning,

    May be I am wrong ..... but from the content of his mail , the alternatives he is offering , etc..... It does not look like a scammer to me.

    Everything indicates either a job underestimated in effort or a job badly organized or bad communication or a mix from all reasons.

    I don't really want to get in to who did what wrong (its pointless now).

    I must say though that I do not get a sign or the perception of a scammer (at least not from the realistic alternatives he offering me).

    Rocketeer is offering me a local UK AR.

    Anybody has any experiences with this local UK AR ??

    Color , quality ???? etc...


    PD: let's all cool down with this.

    Too much flaming here.

  5. Land line goes straight to answering machine. Mobile phone remains unanswered and rings out. Text messages on mobile phone are ignored. Emails have not been successful either. I'm going to try pigeons and smoke singnals tomorrow.

    Now I start to worry.

    Can understand to a degree nor replying e-mails (maybe too many ??) ... but not answering phone calls ??

    I have two watches (crystals incl) with him.

  6. I think guys the question boils down to statistics and numbers.

    How often it happens.

    Of course you can get a Tissot. Hamilton , Invicta etc with problems and ...... of course you gen get reps without a single problem.

    I would say that out of 15 or 20 low end gens you might get 1 or 2 with problems.

    Out of 15 or 20 reps most likely you will get 8 to 10 with some sort of problems.

    QA is the key factor there.

    Most of the gens have a kind of a QA.

    Almost none of the reps have any kind of QA (or they have a very very basic one).

  7. I have some how the impression that not much has been posted (here in RWG) around the new models shown on Basel 2009 (few models and brands here and there but not much).

    Well, here is a forum (gen of course) that you can see a lot.

    hxxp://orologi.forumfree.net/?f=194197 (replace the xx)

    Its in Italian but you don't need to speak the language to see the pictures.


  8. Well , I can tell you that similar letters have been send in the past (during the last 5-6 years) from almost, all EU countries.

    I have seen here and in old RWG, members complaining about similar letters .... and dealers refusing (in the past) to send watches to some countries (eg Italy).

    Normally, its random , both on frequency and in countries.

    I have received these custom letters twice. Twice were registered letters and twice I have signed to get them (the letters).

    Twice I have to respond (via fax) that " I have no idea what they are talking about it , I have never ordered anything and as far as I concerned they can do what ever they want with the contents of the package".

    In both cases the story has ended there.

    Names and addresses of many of us are all over the internet , mistakes can be done.

    You name and address is not a prove of anything.

    (just an idea: maybe they have send you these , without your consensus, as a commercial campaign in order to hook you up and buy more or maybe if you have a frequent name and last name these were intended for somebody else).


    If in the customs letters do not clearly state what will be the fine if you don't reply , ..... you may opt not to reply (check this with a local lawyer).

    If you reply , then just deny knowledge.

    Good luck.

  9. @FxrAndy: That's great for archiving concentration but watch out for her eyesight. At that age, this job (if done frequently) can harm her eyes.

    I think there are some kind of huge magnifying desk top lenses that can solve this problem.

    No matter what , I have to admit that her watch skills are better than mine. :-)

  10. I've just realised that I was rather behind reading RWG.

    Knowing about Domenico (and having some "old" folks talking good about hiom) ...was a nice surprice.

    Welcome Domenico: :bye1: and good to have you here.

    Having TomH and Domenico here, .... maybe I'll start buying 7750s again. :D

    His email is ??

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