Frank, As we talked on the phone about your pics, I took the liberty of a very quick adjusting the colors so I'll post them on this forum as well
Hope you like it...
Congrats Alan, it looks really great
I ordered this one from Neil
Can't wait for it to arrive
A few weeks ago I received my first PAM from Neil and what pleasantly surprised me was that the watch was 100% like the pics Neil took, I read this is not rule most of the time with some other dealers.
Btw supernice straps Neil...
Just came across this tut, really awesome, maybe Pug was a teacher in a former life , tnx so much Pug, as a newbie(still) joining only in nov 07, this ia a great help to me practicing on a few cheap(fancyfair) watches before I start on my reps.
Tnx again
Neil, send him a 10.000 dollar bill for using your pics without your approval to scare him off, he is breaking international laws here....(besides the fact that our hobby is somewhat underground )
Harsh mesures are needed here for this stupido
Great review, came across this one after talking to Frand about his Ingenieur...
I bought mine 2 weeks ago, here are a few quick snapshots , sorry for the poor quality, I didn't dust off the piece, I just liked it
I saw this watch when buying two watchboxes and I was hooked , I know it may not resemble the gen but its on my wrist eversince
Same story here m8,join end of nov 2007 and ended up with 16 lowerpriced pieces and 8 on the way...
I talked to my GP today and he introduced me to the WAA(Watch Addicted Anonymus), have to spent one evening a week there to get rid of this 'terrible' addiction
just enjoy
very nice AR Frank, good pics too m8, if you have a difficult serie before feb 16th, just mail it , I will process them and we will go through them by chat or phone.
Nice talking to you today
Only 3 rooms m8 Hotel booked, spoke to Scoobs and Andy in the meantime, I hope to hear soon who wants to come from the dutchies I emailed...
Gonna be fun in Brussels