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Posts posted by jnagy

  1. crap,you are correct as the wisdom has no date.there goes my "bright" idea.oh well.they just list the watch as a 2893 on different websites.should have looked closer.you just saved me 175 bucks though.

    well,the question still stands.can the 2893-1 be easily modified into the 2893-2?

  2. i believe di-modell "jumbo" is a strap that goes from 24 to 20 mm.it is not thick all the way down though.it is very thick at the lugs but tapers to around 3mm thick at the buckle.check www.watchworx.co.uk.i have a 22mm version on a hamilton 7750 and it is a good strap and not expensive.

  3. that's what i'm thinking.the movements look exactly the same from what i can tell.seems nobody has a definate answer.maybe i'll just give it a shot and let everyone know.

    i just compared a parts list and order of assembly for the movements and it is a difference of taking off the disk of the 2983-1 and adding a [hour wheel?]part#253.guess i just figured it out.anyone know where i can get parts?

  4. i have been trying to figure this out.can an eta 2893-1 with a rotating 24hr world timer disk be modified by removing the disk and replacing it with a regular hand?would that make it a 2893-2 or are there other differences?i know they are same size and have same amount of jewels.if that is the case you can get watches with the 2893-1 at some places for below the cost of the 2893-2 movement.

  5. don,t have any photos of myself flexing.besides who cares what you look like if you can't lift anything?anyone here know anything about the ONLY real weight sport?OLYMPIC LIFTING.just kidding i like powerlifting ,too.but olympic lifting is the only way to get power not just size or brute strength.you must have speed ,flexibility,balance,and some big balls.with the olympics coming up everyone will get a chance to catch a glimpse of some true freaks.

  6. Oops! So he did. I need to review the thread before I post next time. ;)

    The Zigmeister,tou did respond quickly and i thank you.just checking around with other folks.you seem to be the only option and that's cool.just have to wait a few weeks.i wasn't getting on anybody about being slow.didn't get response from vaccum but that's fine.

  7. Man. I`ve learnt some words I never knew existed here.

    Glad to see that a religious topic ended up friendly.

    they should always end up friendly,with people getting something to think about.with this topic you can't help but step on toes but if someone gets offended they need to think about what offended them and why and be better prepared next time to discuss religious topics.around the globe people die for their beliefs and will continue to.to the athiest i ask ,would you die for your beliefs?would you die for evolution?would you die for Darwin?Lanikai is right ,God is love.but God is also justice and righteousness and cannot even look upon sin and leave it unpunished.as for islam,there is no such thing as a moderate muslim.i am to believe that muslims take the koran as the word of god,right?maybe someone can explain this surah to me.surah8 59-60."let not the unbeliever think they can get the better of the godly:against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power,including steeds of war,to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies,of Allah and your enemies,and others besides whom you may not know,but whom Allah knows."also surah 9:5 states "fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them,and seize them,and beleaguer them,and lie in wait for them in every stratagem."if you are a muslim and do not abide by these commands you are not a true muslim anymore than someone who claims to be a christian or jew but does not abide by their holy books is a christian or jew.am i right or wrong?any jewish folks here?

  8. who here thinks themselves good people?if you think you are please respond and i'll prove to you that there are none "good".

    if you have ever lied ,you are a liar.if you have ever looked at someone with lust,your an adulterer.if you have ever stolen anything ,your a thief.if you have ever said"my god wouldn't do this or that",your an idolator.point is we are all sinners,and in need of salvation.everyone is free to choose jesus or not.you cannot stand in the middle and say stuff like jesus was a good teacher but not the son of god.that was not left as an option.he was either a lunitic who actually thought he was the son of god,a pure evil man who deliberately misled everyone into thinking he was the son of god,or he was telling the truth.the choice is yours.p.s. nothing was ever taken out of the bible, just excluded due to the nature and age of the material.the fact that people know the difference between good and evil is proof of the existence of good and evil.this is the most important discussion a human can have with another human and god bless all who read it and whomever started this thread.also,jesus's birth date is irrelevent.no accurate birth date,death date,miracles,misfortunes,anything,makes his truth any easier to accept.people ALWAYS have trouble accepting truth.it hurts.no christian tries to force"religion" on anyone .here is an example taken from a letter an athiest wrote .the athiet said any christian that truly believed that ALL men are already doomed to eternal seperation from god,and do not do everything in their power to lead people to christ are the epitome of evil.the athiest is right.as a believer in christ i will do whatever is needed to spare a fellow human being from damnation.as an athiest evolutionist,a person should not ever be concerned with species extinction,global warming,murder,etc.these are all natural occurances.survival of the fittest,right?as soon as man steps in to prevent these horrible things we interupt the survival of the fittest theory.to all evolutionists who might be reading this let me pose a question.was hitler a good or bad man ?if you are a true athiest you must admire his mind and drive to carry out a plan to eradicate weaker less evolved beings to quicken the evolving of the human race.that was his stated goal.evolution theory has not contributed to one thing in science,not one.it has only paved the way for genocide throughout history.please research where your worldview leads.do not only rely on yourself and your pride.people can't even rely on themselves to get to work on time ,or pick a great watch to buy!only trust in the lord.peace out!

  9. The cases of helenarou watches are crap, so dont even think of getting a whole watch from him.

    There where a posting from balboa on the rwi reporting that and i also did took my lessen about his cases

    Greetings Navi

    i've picked up several watches from him and the gmt 029 is a pretty solid watch.tight crown guard,ok lume,and keeping good time.not so sure about other watches he sells.it is just a roll of the dice.

  10. hello everybody.the small seconds hand fell off my fiddy today.tried to put it back on but it wouldn't stay put.just wearing it without the second hand.what is the fix?the watch also needs new cannon pinion and a good lume job.who does a good job on this?thanks.

  11. What do you all think about the following pic and what would you pay



    i have that watch in the right handed version.about 140-150 bucks as i recall.pretty accurate but the small screw used to regulate the swan neck fell out and was rolling around inside the case back.didn't know where it went at first but figured it out.quite a task getting it put back but no problem since and i love the watch.also may want to ask seller to make sure crown guard seal is actually in the crown as some of the marina militare homages are lacking them.as i stated in a previous thread this can ruin any water resistancy and make the crown guard loose.

  12. i don't mean a regular panerai buckle,but a buckle with a roller type sleeve on it and made out of round metal not flat like regular pan buckles.would post photo but i don't have one.probably not the best description but would look like a regular old belt buckle.

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