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Everything posted by tomhorn

  1. Basically the 'reps' are just fantasy versions. They aren't even close to looking like the gen. Bottom line is there isn't a Chinese version of the movement, so you're not going to find a good rep of it. If you like the 'style' of the watch, then go for it.
  2. Yep ... the 1911 is as good as you'll ever find out of the box ...
  3. If you really feel the need for gen hands I side with alligoat. Get one of the newer rep 3135 movements and fit the gen hands. With the current cost of gen 3135's in the marketplace, it's not a good investment.
  4. ND Trading's dials and hands are designed to be used with gen movements, but are not gen parts. To pair with an ETA movement, you would clip the dial feet and would buy hands (like Clark's or gen Tudor) that work with the ETA movement.
  5. Nice gesture Admin! RWG was the second rep forum I found when trying to find a decent Sub rep. Have learned a lot hanging out here, and am glad I found the place. Fried Chicken Our teacher asked us what our favorite animal was, and I said, "Fried chicken." She said I wasn't funny, but she couldn't have been right, everyone else in the class laughed. My parents told me to always be truthful and honest, and I am. Fried chicken is my favorite animal. I told my dad what happened, and he said my teacher was probably a member of PETA. He said they love animals very much. I do, too. Especially chicken, pork and beef. Anyway, my teacher sent me to the principal's office. I told him what happened, and he laughed too. Then he told me not to do it again. The next day in class my teacher asked me what my favorite live animal was. I told her it was chicken. She asked me why, just like she'd asked the other children. So I told her it was because you could make them into fried chicken. She sent me back to the principal's office again. He laughed, and told me not to do it again. I don't understand. My parents taught me to be honest, but my teacher doesn't like it when I am. Today, my teacher asked us to tell her what famous person we admire most. I told her, "Colonel Sanders". Guess where I am now...
  6. Wish Yuki still made them like that ... a good, reasonably priced dial is the last thing I need for my build. I don't want to go the Space Dweller route from ingod44, and I'm not sure the ND Trading offerings at $255 are worth it, even on sale.
  7. Search is your friend, and there is an "I Want to Buy" section of this forum which is where this post should be.
  8. Yep, and there are a bunch of precincts in Philly where not one person (one person) voted for Romney. What's your point? Fact of the matter in a 2 party system like we have Romney was actually right. He said it wrong, and added some unfavorable commentary, but he was right. On both sides, roughly 90% of the people are going to vote for one party or the other NO MATTER WHO IS RUNNING. The candidates can say whatever they want and be whomever they want to be, and those 90% of the people are going to vote for them. They would vote for a trained monkey as long as it was teh Party's representative. The only things that affect elections anymore in the US are relative voter turnout and the 10% in the middle. Obama's campaign was great at getting the voters to turn out, and he won. Not because he was a Democrat, not because his voters are 'smarter' ... but because he gave them a reason to show up. Funny how the Dems were all up in arms about Gore winning the popular vote but losing the Electoral College, but when someone who voted for a Republican brings up the popular vote to counter someone's opinion that this election was akin to a 'landslide' and now all the sudden the popular vote doesn't mean anything.
  9. 1. I agree, but the Republican party will have to make major changes to their current party platform to gain the 'minority' vote. When 75% of Hispanics and 93% of Blacks vote Democrat, it's a long road back. 2. The total vote count difference in the 2012 Presidential election was less than 3 million. If half the 12 million you cite actually vote, well, you can do the math. 3. This was not an 'ass whop' in the popular vote. Based on the break in the States, it may look like it if if all you look at was the Electoral College. In terms of the popular vote, the margin of victory is actually in the bottom third of all Presidential elections since records have been kept.
  10. For those who asked ... a few more camera phone pix ... And one more wristy ... And yes, ChiMan12, the dial for the 1016 project is proving to be the challenge! Alligoat ... I was told by several builders the 2836's stem wouldn't align properly and that the 2824 was the way to go. PBdad reported shimming the datewheel a bit, but that's all I know. Perhaps he wants to chime in? I wanted to use the Stilty ring, but couldn't find one, and saw several people mention the raffles-time ring as an alternative.
  11. I've sort-of switched my philosophy from owning many reps, to reducing the quantity ... either by modding my favorites, or building frankens. Been teasing this one a bit, and she's finally done. The assembled 16014 DateJust project arrived while I was out of town (doesn't it always happen that way?) but it was the first piece of mail opened when I walked through my door! It's been a long journey to get this one done, with a couple of minor mis-steps along the way. Here's the build list: Gen 16014 case Gen 16000 caseback Gen White Gold Bezel Gen Crown Gen Tube Gen Plexi (as it turns out, maybe not, but more later) Gen Silver Roman Dial Gen Jubilee Bracelet Gen Clasp Gen 555 Endlinks Gen Tudor Hands Gen TC ETA 2824-2 w/high canon pinion Raffles-time #2 movement ring for 2824 Clark Springbars BK Datewheel Overlay Also included lots of TLC from PBdad ... Sorry for the bad camera phone pic, but I'm in the process of moving and the better cameras I own are packed. Along the way I purchased a Raffles-time clasp, an engine turned bezel, an additional gen case set (to get the white gold bezel), and a linen dial ... all of which I ended up not using on this project. Have decided to use the extra case set on my next project, a 1016 Explorer (thanks to LHOOQ's threads). PBdad threw into question whether or not the plexi was gen, as he had to do some sanding/polishing work on it to make it fit. The watch also required a second trip to him because one of the markers fell off the dial in transport back to me. He cleaned up some glue on the other markers, and reattached the offending XI. He also had to trim a section on the Raffles-time movement ring. I know the datewheel overlay is wrong for the period, and so is the dial, but I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out. Thanks to all the members I collected the parts and advice from!
  12. Depends on which dial you want. There are many sources. The dial above is from Yuki, but I don't think the same version is still available (OP was from back in March) and there have been some not so good reports of the recent Yuki dials. http://www.yukiwatch...817/9116935.htm ingodd44 and ND Trading also have offerings of various quality, and there's an eBay seller (http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1438.l2649) that has refinished dials periodically.
  13. ND Trading's offering is on sale. Does look like the correct "Co." as LHOOQ reported. http://ndtradingcorp...products_id=460
  14. Was hoping for a hint at where he found it, as I have been looking for a long time. Other than some insanely expensive gilt dials, I have only seen service dials on VRF from the Italian seller.
  15. any hints on the source for the dial?
  16. Tougher with the 162xx case ... much easier with the 160xx case. By shopping around a little, you should be in the $800-900 range. Dials are the tricky part. They are priced all over the place. You can find basic silver or linen dials for less than $100, but you'll also see them listed for several hundred. Easier (and cheaper) would be to go with JMB's 2824 case and put a gen dial and gen Tudor hands in it. Not sure if a gen bezel works on his case, but if it does, even better.
  17. Sorry to hear Kev. Unfortunately, life has this habit of getting in the way of things for everyone from time to time. I know we all hope your travails are short lived, and that you find your way back to this great hobby of ours once things settle for you again.
  18. As rickdangerous already said, there are no Swiss replicas. The best you can hope for is a Chinese replica with a Swiss movement. Anyone that advertises a "Swiss" replica is a scammer. Use one of the trusted dealers on this site. They've all become trusted because they have done many successful deals and are known to take care of their customers.
  19. Just finished a 16014 franken ... and already I'm going to have to upgrade. Excellent work all. I'm in for a couple if the project comes together.
  20. Twin Brothers from different mothers KBH ... and thanks again for the dial ... 'incorrect' as it may be ...
  21. Well done cc33 ... thanks for your diligence in calling this guy out.
  22. Tough call, but Betty Ginger Wilma I have a thing for red-heads, what can I say?
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