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Everything posted by tomhorn

  1. Rep of an RXW Guess it really isn't a "scam" but what is the world coming to ...
  2. I use 1and1 now, and have used Mail2web. Mail2web has a free service you can sign up for to try it first. You don't get your own domain name on the free account. Mail2web was good, but 1and1 was cheaper for the equivalent mailbox sizes which is why I went with them. If you can avoid it, I would not recommend hosting your own Exchange server. They are a pain in the a$$ to administer.
  3. eBay Item This listing is too funny .... if the crude Photoshopping of the IWC logo on the dial wasn't telling enough, let's take a look at the seller's last feedback (he was the buyer): ~~~~~~HE SAID HE WAS NOT GOING TO PAY~~~~ pawnmster ( 1739) Apr-22-08 11:27 Reply by jamylim (Apr-25-08 20:34): SIMPLE REASON WHY I SHOULD NOT PAY. WILL YOU PAY FOR AN IMITATION WATCH?? At least he isn't claiming it's a gen ... or any specific brand for that matter ...
  4. Bravo! This is probably the most well thought out, measured, and well presented answer to the "who has the best ..." question I have seen on this forum ... It's been a while since I joined this forum, so I don't remember the sign-up process too well, but IMO this post should be required reading for all new members before they can make a first post. If there is any way to make it a "sticky" ... pop it up as a PM the first time someone signs on ... put it in the welcome email ... pop it up in a window when someone submits their first post .... or some other way to get it out there it would help everyone, newbs and old-timers alike. I don't know what is the proper delivery method, but it's a good introduction to the forum. Sorry in advance to the Admins if something similar already is being done ... as I mentioned, it's been awhile since I signed up.
  5. Thank you for passing along some "local" knowledge. Must admit I was a little lukewarm over the choice, but assuming this is all true it gives me some hope that there was more to this than simply trying to shore up the Republican base. Any local insight on the whole State Trooper firing "investigation" that the media has jumped on? I think the whole key now as to how well she is accepted on the ticket will be how she performs in the debate with Biden.
  6. I would strongly disagree. As a Governor you run the entire State government. All the Departments and agencies report to you. If you are prepping to run the US government, running something of that size trumps sitting in Legislative sessions and passing laws ... which ironically, the Governor has to figure out how to implement in many cases. How many times you meet with your legislative body is not a measure of anything. The President normally only does it once a year formally. You can bet your bottom dollar that she and her staff meet with several of them on a daily basis, as does the President and his staff, no matter which party. Personally, I wanted him to choose a Governor, but wanted Pawlenty instead. This choice doesn't help him on the "experience" argument, but is hardly fatal. If he loses the election, IMO she will not be the reason. Many people seem to forget the election is between Obama and McCain. It's not between Obama and Palin, Biden and Palin, or even Obama and Bush as some in the media would love everyone to believe. Yes, the VP candidates are a very small factor, but ultimately you should be voting for the guy at the top of the ticket. Obama became a legislator in Illinois in January of 1997, and left office in Novemebr of 2004. Please let us know how that adds up to 11 years before he became a Senator. My math must be a little rusty.
  7. IMO, McCain was right to pick a Governor to be his running mate ... he just picked the wrong one. Pawlenty would have been my preferred choice. In previous posts I have pointed out that I was not a fan of Obamas because of his lack of experience, and this selection hurts McCain's ability to hammer on Obama on this issue even though we are electing a President and not a VP. This selection was 100% strategic in nature, and not because she's a woman. Her selection has now solidified the Republican base and settled down the group within that he absolutely needs if he's going to have any chance to get elected. If he gets anyone to come to his side for any other reason, it's a bonus. For me, the jury is still out. I want to know more about her policies, and whether or not she hangs tough in the debate with Biden. If she survives those tests with me she'll convince me she was a good choice. Until then it's a wait and see. But I'm still voting for President, not VP ... and thus far neither candidate has done enough to earn my support yet.
  8. HP used to have a "universal" print driver. Have you tried that one? Wouldn't get you scanning and faxing, but at least you could print.
  9. Did anyone else notice that between these two lists there were several in the top 10 that hadn't even reached 50% favorable votes?
  10. Easiest way to explain my job .... I'm a legal bookie .... Seriously ....
  11. Mr. Nightstroker, this is the Department of Homeland Security. We'd like to talk to you about your post on RWG about a place that doesn't exist ....
  12. Whether or not a Senator's job is more important or difficult is not the issue, nor is their lack of desire to go back to being Governors. Governors have far more experience managing large bureaucracies than a Senator ever will, as do CEO's of major companies. This is the prime responsibility of being President. Also, if Senatorial experience is so much better than a Governor's experience to prepare one to be President, then please explain why the last former Senator to get elected as President was Nixon, and the last sitting Senator was Kennedy. But thanks for proving my point anyway. Obama has a grand total of three years experience in the areas you mentioned. McCain has 25. No, to use your analogy, I'm saying I would rather have the CEO at Anchor Steam over a Budweiser VP that just started working there after moving up from a middle management position at another smaller brewery. Big difference. There is a lot more administration to be done than just hiring a few people. You have to lead the people that work for you, set the agenda, and be certain that the people you hire are not off doing their own thing. This is one of Bush's major failures IMO, as Rove and Cheney certainly appear to have set the agenda, and were clearly off doing their own things. You're apparently an Obama supporter, and that's fine with me. I think the guy is charismatic, and he does have some policies I like. In four years I will have less concern over his level of experience and at that point I think he will be more ready for the job than he is now. Don't get me wrong, people rise to the occassion all the time, and I hope he does if he gets elected. I suggest you go back and read my previous posts. I never said that I voted for Dole in 1996, and I also did not say I voted for Bush because he was a Republican. I did say, "I voted for GWB only because I thought he was the best of a bad lot, and believe me, that's not saying much." I also said, "I vote for the candidate that I believe to be best capable to run our country. The party they belong to is of no consequence to me." Believe what you want, but I have no partisan agenda. If Obama were a Republican, an Independent, or a Martian, I'd still feel the same way. The fact that he is a Democrat makes no difference to me. For the record, I actually voted for Ross Perot in 1996 as purely a symbolic protest vote. I was a bit more of a rebel back then.
  13. As I said in my post GWB, Clinton, Regan and Carter all were Governors before becoming President. I repeat for clarity, they all had experience running governments before they became President. If you don't believe that having done that gives them an edge in experience over Senator Obama then I don't know what to say. We simply disagree, whether you think I am capable of being analytical or not. Actually, I've voted for several Democrats for President, most recently Bill Clinton in his first election. I have also voted for Independents. I vote for the candidate that I believe to be best capable to run our country. The party they belong to is of no consequence to me. Sometimes, that person is merely the best of a bad lot, as it was with GWB, and I believe this is what is going to happen for me in this election. As for the experience of GWB vs Gore and Kerry, we can agree to disagree on this as well. IMO his two opponents also had enough experience to be President but I would not characterize them as having far better resumes. GWB was a Governor and ran several large companies including being the Managing Partner of the Texas Rangers before becoming President. I disliked his opponents for other reasons, so for me experience was not the deciding factor in those elections. In fact, I was very likely to have voted against him after his first term, but couldn't bring myself to vote for Kerry. While that's a well reasoned argument and may end up being the case, I think the prospect of her being blamed for an Obama loss is exactly why she will say and do all the right things publicly and encourage all her supporters to do the same. However, if Obama gets beat, I'm guessing she won't be too disappointed. In 2016 she will be 68 years old, which although not young, is still younger than McCain is this year. I'm not sure that helps her though, and she will also have to try to maintain her current popularity for eight more years while having to support Obama and her Party. She will also be a Democrat trying to get elected following a 2 term Democratic President. This has successfully been done exactly one time since 1900 (vs 3 times for the Republicans), when Harry Truman became President after FDR. He was FDR's VP where HRC is not. If Obama happens to be an extraordinary President, then maybe she can buck history. If not, the country will be looking for another change. It's a tough go for her. I love that in America we can have these kinds of debates without fear of reprisal or getting thrown in jail. It's one of the things that makes America great. We can disagree on politics and still go out for a beer afterwards ... and talk watches ...
  14. No bla bla political banter intended. My high minded analysis is that Obama does not have enough experience to be President. Feel free to disagree ... that's why we have elections. Obama is a 2 1/2 term State Senator, who got elected to the US Senate by running against a guy who got brought in at the last minute (from Maryland) to replace his opponent who dropped out of the race. After a whopping 3 years in the Senate, he started running for President. Even his running mate said he wasn't experienced enough to be President when he was running against him, so don't blame me for bringing it up. Pug is correct, no one has actually been President before they get elected for the first time. I had never been the President of a company until after I started my second business, but I had been a General Manager and a department head for others prior to doing it. I failed miserably in starting my first business, but have succeeded quite nicely now because I was much better prepared the second time around. If you look back at recent history, GWB, Clinton, Regan and Carter all ran State governments before becoming President. George H.W. Bush was a V.P. While neither candidate has done that in this case, you have one candidate with 25 years in the US Congress/Senate, runing against one with three. In this, or any other election (at least in the US 2 party system) there are three types of voters. Those that will vote for their preferred party's candidate no matter who they are, those that totally support and believe in their favorite candidate, and those who don't make up their minds until shortly before they walk into the voting booth. The latter group is a lot bigger than people think. People can talk all they want about candidates, and answer all the polling questions they get thrown at them during a campaign. When they walk into that booth and actually have to pull the lever, they are going to ask themselves who they think will do the better job of running the country. IMO, experience is going to be a big factor in that decision. Just in case you couldn't tell ... I am one of those people. I am not sold on McCain as my candidate, nor was I sold on GWB in either of his elections. I voted for GWB only because I thought he was the best of a bad lot, and believe me, that's not saying much. I would have loved to have seen another candidate besides the two that ran against him come forward on the Democratic side that was not a total bust. Gore and Kerry were perhaps popular guys among Democrats, but they were unelectable. Both came off poorly in their campaigns, but should have won easily. And they were both experienced too. If the ticket were reversed, Biden as President and Obama as V.P. then I would be more inclined to vote for the ticket, but we elect Presidents, not Vice Presidents. Also, don't underestimate the power of the Clinton machine. She and her supporters all know that the best thing that can happen for her is for McCain to get elected. If Obama wins and serves two terms, she will never be President and that is her end game. If McCain gets elected, he will likely be a one-term President due to his age, unless something phenominal happens during his term. This makes her the clear favorite in 2012. Don't get me wrong, she will say and do all the right things in public, but don't be surprised if the difference in this election is the Clinton machine.
  15. Or Obama's total lack of experience sufficient enough to be President ....
  16. Hate to bring this thread back from the dead, but I actually have this dilema going on in my head now, as I am trying to decide between sending my A7750 to The Zigmeister for a service, or just having him swap it out for an ETA 7750. I see that ofrei has the 7750 movement for sale on his site now for $598, but I frequently see gens with 7750's on the bay at lower prices. You can find brands like Hamilton, Jacques Lemans, Philip, and Invicta that have the ETA version, and if you are patient, there are always options for less than ofrei's price. Assuming you don't like the watch the movement comes in to begin with (for me it would be an Invicta Lupah for example), I can see why doing this would be advantageous if the price is below what you can buy the movement for alone. My concerns are whether or not all generic 7750's are the same in terms of being able to fit into my IWC 3717 case/dial, and (the obvious) what is the condition of the movement itself once it's removed from the donor watch. Any input from those who have done this would be appreciated, or if there are any other sources for the movement alone. Thanks!
  17. Funny joke ... but as Pug indicates, it's nothing more than an "urban legend" ...
  18. When you decide you can part with the Breguet, PM me if you'll ship it to the US. I promise I'll wear it if it gets here ...
  19. One of my favorites too ... was always my last drink of the evening. Until I found Grand Marnier 150th Anniversary ... But that's not really on a college student's budget ... My first drink of the evening ... Aha Toro Anejo .... a great tequila is a beautiful thing .... Good luck with your studies ... FWIW ... here's a piece of advice I wish someone had given me .... treat it like a job ... 8-5 M-F is all about school ... evenings and weekends are all about you! Sure you will "work" late sometimes and have a sick day or two, but don't spend all your afternoons when you have class shootin' hoops and find you can't go have fun on the weekend because you have a paper due.
  20. Here is my realistic wish list. Rolex GMT Master II Damasko DC56 Mauric LaCroix Masterpiece Double Retrograde Schauer Edition 12 My fifth "grail" gen is not realistic for me as I look forward five years, but were money no object, I would buy a Lange 1 and be done ...
  21. I don't see movement swaps on your list. Would think swaps to ETA 7750's and 2824's would be wanted by many here. Also, day/date wheel swaps.
  22. I'm a bit of a noob, but would agree with it being a v1 dial at least. Not only because of the subdials, but the 3,6,9 markers are wider like the v1. I have a v1 and mine has similar AR to the pics that I see. You could ask for a lume shot ... that would give the version away easily (assuming no mods). Lume on the 3,6,9,12 markers only = v1. Lume on the numbers also = v2. Irregardless, it looks good to my (somewhat untrained) eye. The markers look square and the day/date wheels look to be fairly well lined up (at least for Wednesday the 21st). Chrono second hand lines up perfectly to 12. Gaps around the SEL's are good and the crown looks like it screws in flush to the case. I don't know what else to check for, but I think you have a keeper.
  23. I believe this is his eBay site: Exclusive Watches UK
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