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Posts posted by rdorman

  1. If only!!

    Religion, that's more controvertial than any other subject here, lets not go there!!

    Welfare, this is meant to ber temporary to assist the person until they get back on their feet. Unfortunately it breeds contempt, We have whole families that think its OK to go on the dole!

    You forgot Education, If we can ensure the next generation get a good,well rounded, education (i.e. not one where there aren't allowed to be taught about Evolution) then we are almost there. Will it happen.....Nah

    I worry for my son, I truly do.


    I am with you brother! Of course, we still need ditch diggers as well. Just happy well adjusted ones! ;)

  2. Oh my, you need to stop. You are doing an Imus. The concept that some people in the US walk around with concerning marriage, family and community is a Ozzy & Harriet fantasy best left back when it occurred--the 50s. It was an aberration based upon the polarizing affect of a war that mobilized an entire nation. To say that the problems in any community are caused by the breakdown of marriage, family, and community is simplistic and, though you don't want to claim him, you ought to sit in a corner and play blocks with George.


    Not sure where that came from nor what an Imus is! Yes, it is simplistic, but for the sake brevity. Aside from that, I don't understand your point aside from the obvious, that it was a simplistic statement. George and I stopped playing well together a long time ago! I never played with Kerry. I think an assumption was made here.

    I went back and read your posts in this thread hoping to understand your repsonse better. That didn't really help but I did enjoy some of the points you brought up on various topics. We all know that the problems are not simple. I fully understand what a polarizing effect has with a common enemy. One drive down my street after 9/11 and any one could see that!

  3. Yes. The USA has far too many violent assholes. Some of it is cultural. Much of it is because of our diversity. What works in terms of laws and policies for smaller, homogenous populations might not be the best choice for a large, diverse population.


    That's not somwhere I'd want to live. Lots of muggings and home invasions. Criminals act with impunity since the unarmed populace can not fight back.

    Heck you think that is bad... try Belfast! Almost as bad as our own DC ;):D

    Much of it in the U.S. is cultural but within cultures. A breakdown of marriage, family and community. No where is that more obvious then in our black populations.

  4. Eddhead

    You have never seen me use a knife before ;) We are pretty much on the same page.

    And all,

    Explosives can be (and often are) of the home made variety. Of course some chain, padlocks and a couple gallons of kerosene work pretty darn good as well. Airplanes! Lets ban them all. Heck why not dog food! Koolaid! Getting silly now. But haven't all these things been used for mass murder? (OK, dog food is a stretch ;) Guns where the weopon of choice in cases like this but there are many, many alternatives. This issue lies behind the trigger, not with the trigger.

  5. Sorry for coming in so late!

    This is an indication of a social/mental health issue, not a gun control issue. There are a number of countries with much higher per capita gun ownership yet lower gun violence rates.

    Laws don't stop the crazies. Murder is against the law... that didn't stop him.

    The 'if there are no legal guns then there can be no illegal guns' argument is rubish. Cocaine is illegal but you can get it any where.

    Common misconception, you can own a gun in the UK.

    A ban on them will not stop violence. After the 'ban' in 87 then Dunblane massacre of 96 happened. Which resulted in tougher laws but yet the number of crimes involving firearms in England/Wales went up 73% from 98/99 to 02/03.

    Every effort must be made to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Who I define as any one who has been convicted of a felony. But if you review many of the shooters on both sides of the pond, how many where felons or even had a criminal record of violence of any kind? Look it up, the results are suprising.

    The Virginia Tech insident, just like some of the others mentioned and many others not is not the place to work on gun control nor a platform for it advocacy. IF we where able to take this killers guns away, they would have used explosives. Take those away, chemicals, take those away they would have used knives/swords. Take that away...... Lack of a firearm has never stopped any one before. Sure, it makes it easier to kill.

    If any thing, it is a great platform for mental health care, early recognition of the signs that are generally present and treatment.

  6. I generally don't get much reaction except from folks with nice watches. A buddy of mine asked when I got Kermit when he saw my LV. He was wearing his gen TT and even side by side, he did not see nor feel a difference (it is one of Josh's 188 models) until I pointed them out. He wants to get a rep sub for when he travels so if something happens, he is not out his gen. IMO the sub is the 'perfect' watch. I have many others that I like as much and some more but if it came down to one, it would be the sub. Goes from the beach to the board room with ease.

  7. The stagger in the second picture is another nice idea. I will have to start doing that on some of them.

    My wrist size is such that I can get some on with the larger size cushion and some I can't. The ones I can't tend to be a little loose and flop around a bit. My daytona fit the larger size but the 196 the bracelet would not hold so I had to use the smaller cushion and so, the 196 flopped around a little. So, sliding the peice that adjusts the cushion size between the two not only prevented contacted, but also helps keep the 196 still.

    Still happy!

  8. i have a 44mm pam next to a MBW 1680 on the 4 winder version of this winder and they bump into each other. i had to angle the suede watch holder upwards so that the 2 watches wouldnt touch each other. now my PAM has a whole bunch of scratches from my MBW crown... :( no one else has that problem?

    I had that issue with some of the big pams. I just take the ring that is removable from the pads to size them, and place them between the watchs. It stays in place and no more rubbing.

  9. Geesh, this again. :thumbdown: By the way, the link you gave us says that the average chinese University grad in 2004 made 1500RMB which is $193 US.

    The dealers DO face forfeit of property and of assets, deportation, and prison not to mention some of the charactors that they have to deal with. EVEN in China. Sure, prison is more the exception rather then the rule in China, but it still happens and is happening more and more. Not to mention all the palm greasing that goes on... police, postal, etc. Do you know that one of those little booths in those famous Chinese replica centers can cost $5000 a month? Any idea what a professional website and hosting costs? Our dealers are considered criminals and do engage in criminal activity.... and I for one appreciate that :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I don't know about you but if I was going to deal with what they do, I would have to make a $hit load more then the average grad. :bleh:

  10. Good info! What do you need to know to get the correct replacement Miyota movement?



    Not a practical mod, the hands wont' fit, the movements are different sizes, the attachment of the movement to the case is not the same etc...

    If you wanted to install a better quality movement, then installing a genuine Miyota is the best option, as the majority of asian movements are copies of the Miyota, and therefore avoid the problems of parts not fitting.


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