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Posts posted by fotoman

  1. I have a battle of the bands I am getting into. The vote is just to get in. They are using ip addresses to allow only people within 100 miles of the venue to vote.

    Is there anyway to spoof that so i can get my other friends to vote?

  2. Ok, I should point out That as a rule, we do not go to AD's to "test" them. There are some good reasons I discussed in a thread but, let me summarize.

    1. Watch should be for you to enjoy, not to call attention in public to our "hobby"

    2. You will NEVER get a real answer. One of 2 things will happen, either they won't know and that is not a test, sales people they can't afford the watches they sell and they are not enthusiasts. Or 2 they know and still won't say anything because either 1. They want to sell you something else and won't embarrass you or 2. They don't want to break it to you that you got ripped off.

    So, as you see there is only bad that can come from this. It is actually a rule of the forum not to take your pieces into ads or jewelers to call attention to it and us. It will put you in disfavor quickly. If your our and pop into a store to try something on. That's 1 thing. But, intentionally doing the deal, very frowned upon.

    A long time ago, folks were much more positive about things with watches and they were big things, tiny crown, recessed center pin. Wrong font on dial. Crap strap. There were plenty of threads discussing the issues but, if someone posted their piece people wouldn't rip it apart.

    Enjoy responsibly;

  3. As a backstop you will buy a rep every 3 months, but you will put me down for delivery. That way you won't have the cash to buy them if you wanted to. In 2 yrs you get your collection back, and I will only charge you for my services by offsetting the value of the piece and I wont have any additional invoice.

  4. I can't believe justasgood did not deliver as expected.

    In thanking him. So, what happens when you get an idea to do some photos with watch parts as scenery. You ask for a couple of cases or dials or dead movements. Right? So one of your old buddies says. I got some I'll send to you.

    Tell me, do you think this would be appropriate for sending me a couple of dials or dead movements?


    It's the friendship and relationships that make these forums special and it's the fun of sharing your hobby with similarly mentally ill people. As opposed to trying to impress a girl :) w a fancy watch.


  5. Folks,

    Please share my pain.

    I have a very pretty Pyrolume aviator watch with an asian 6497 movement which has not worked smoothly since I got it last autumn. It finally gave up the ghost before Christmas so I took it into the local branch of my watch repair service. The guy says the movement is toast and I need a new one, so I get one from Fleabay as Pyrolume seems to not be trading.

    I take the movement in before Christmas and he says he'll swap them over no problem.

    I ring last week to check on progress and the phone keeps ringing. Got busy with work and forgot to try again.

    I try again this week and still no answer. I ring their other branch a few miles away as the repair guy travels between three branches.

    The lady who picks up the phone explains she is doing up the store at the moment as the watch repair shops went bankrupt. Very kindly she gives me the number of a liquidator who is dealing with the case.

    I phone them up and give them the work number on my repair ticket. She says she will look through the materials they have for the store and try and find my watch. She warned me it would take a long time though, and she had no idea what state the watch would be in.

    It's a shame as the guy was really friendly and I have taken watches in for resizing/ seals/ batteries for around 5 years now.


    Blows - it's very odd though, bankruptcy usually doesn't work like that though unless it's a huge business. And dont take any sh/t from the receiver. That watch is not an asset, he held it in trust or as your agent. The bankruptcy court has no hold over it. I'd march my ass down to the receivers office and demand it back immediately. Also, your dude still needs a job. Find out where he is working and talk to him about your watch, what it's status is and where it is.:)

  6. Here is a close-up for the 10x guys. To give you an idea, the small white speck between 20 and 25, that is a piece of dust. You can't even see it with the naked eye. There is another one on the band at the top right, between the 3'rd and 4'th hash mark. Another on bottom left, looks black, continue the 7 O’clock marker to the band to see it. So consider, these are not blemishes, or scratches... this is a tiny piece of dust. The He valve may look mangled or something, that is a photo flaw, there is nothing wrong with it at all. At the 7 minute marker, the photo looks like there is something wrong with it, a nick or something, that isn't actually there, I don't know what it is in the picture.

    To put the size into perspective, I have a 24" monitor, and if I hold the actual watch up to my screen, the farthest point of the He valve to the winder crown on the actual watch, fits on the picture from the center of the hand post to the end of the hour hand. The ENTIRE watch face is smaller than the hour hand in the picture!

    The numbers are not exact. There is a slight flare to the GEN numbers, specifically on the "2" of the "12". Again, this isn't something you can see, without the magnification, to any degree of certainty. The AR coating may look blotchy in the picture, in person it is not. You could pick this apart all day in the picture, but if you saw it in person, you would be like, "Wow, that's pretty F'n incredible."


    I am almost completely happy with this watch. Maybe a lume job... that's really about it. Not that the lume looks bad, it just glow super long. Again, it doesn't look bad, uneven, discolored from hands to markers, nothing like that; it just doesn't last for hours and it's a nit-picky thing. Yea, you could get silly with it, but for 99.9% of the people looking at getting something like this, on this forum, seriously... just get it. If you're going to spend the money, spend it,

    I recommend the "Swiss" ETA movement, but that's me... God knows if it's even that inside. Like someone mentioned, these are counterfeiters, they worship at the temple of the almighty dollar. They are not Geppetto in his workshop toiling over something they love to deliver your dream watch to you because they like and respect you. Your only buffer between the factory and yourself is the vendor you decide to get your watch from. I chose Joshua at Perfect Clones (the real site), whoever you choose, make sure it is someone decent like Pure Time (their real site), Trevor, Whoever Vandal said he used (I can't remember right now) etc. etc. etc.

    This is right on point. Soooo on point.

    Enjoy the watch. Back in the day, access to some of the wholesalers came available. But, as you correctly stated, your dealer is your agent. Rep factories could give a crap about you. But people that buy in volume :). When your dealing with china on anything big buis or small, you need someone on the ground, because as a business culture they do not value customer loyalty, they would rather make a buck, screw you and move on. Dealers keep the factories honest, the forum keeps the dealer honest and that is the reason we can have consistency. Now you know why people who have been around are so loyal to the forum. Otherwise it's a shot in the dark. You might get 1, 2 or 3 good ones, but almost no way your gettin 10 in a row that would satisfy you or me :)

  7. I've been doing the same thing. The first watch I ordered went through customs in China before it was sent (according to EMS Tracking), and it was only in customs for less than a day. When it got to the US it skipped customs and went from JFK to my door in a day. The whole process from order to delivery was exactly 7 days.

    This time my package is in customs for two days (so far) here in the US.

    I know it was a miracle that it got here so fast the first time so I'm trying to be patient, but it's hard. I'm leaving town tomorrow and was hoping I'd be able to take my new watches with me on the road. No such luck. With my luck, the package will be delivered to my house 5 mins after I leave!

    Customs is at JFK. It usually arrives the day after it hits JFK.

    It's hard to predict.

  8. ... So, I go to a meeting with my boss, wearing my orange PO rep that I bought from Josh a few weeks ago and then out of nowhere some guy, dirty 'lil f*, calls it out right in front of my boss.

    And I was like dude, whacha doing?!! And he goes: yeah nice 4000 USD watch you have there, mate! And I was like: dude stop it, and kicking him under the table. And he goes: yeah really expensive, you gotta make a fortune with that lil job of yours. Can you believe it? All that right before I was gonna ask for promotion and tell my boss how my family needed the money with the new baby and the mortgage and the sick cat and all ...

    You have to uptake that into acct. Tell your boss it's a 70$ watch from canal St :)

  9. LOL the whole story was actually an excuse to have some Laphroig in the middle of the day

    Cool. Glad to hear it. I was worried man, sounded like you were gonna give yourself a heart attack!!!

    I know that look well. When I was a senior in college, my frat bro would bring a hot chick around and we'd be standing around shootin the [censored] and this chick could give a crap about me. Then, frat bro would say owe, let me introduce you to [me], uh huh uh huh whatever, bro: he is the schools [xyz impressive title] eyes open wide - Hmm oh really. Bro: and he is going to law school next year- (eyes grow really big) :).

    Funny how that works :)

  10. Em, you missed a few of my lessons :)

    1. It's not the watch, it's the attitude. Don't putt it in your pocket, don't be shy.

    2. AD's are sales not watch enthusiasts and not watchmakers, and if they are, they are generally brainwashed about how their stainless steal is better than Chinese.

    3. The point about RWG and ADs is, not to bring attention, however, it's slightly outdated since, super reps are hardly underground. And google replica whatever you will find a scary amount of info from RWG popping up.

    4. We don't want people with the attitude of boasting about reps and walking into AD with the mission of testing them. Its just not a smart thing for any of us.

    5. Most importantly, the reasons for the above, no sales person is going to call you out on a rep because: they are trying to sell you a product and never insult someone your trying to sell to and; the owner of the rep may not know it's a rep and they were swindled, and, never upset someone you are trying to sell to.

    No reason to drink, just be cool. Dont go looking for trouble or it will find you, but also just be cool, pop the watch off, it's no big deal and put it on the pad.

  11. Ok, here is the best way to fi the situation


    You guys need to back off on the insanely critical minor, issues. Especially with a new member. cause under your conditions there isnt any rep that hits your standards. Dont crush someones fun. He probably would have never noticed the pearl. There are pearl debates as long as ive been here. if we do this, someone will [censored] over whatever rep is bought.

    The rep is fantastic. It's a great watch. I hope you enjoy it for a long time.

    I can see the t being annoying, but no one is gonna see it, except you and whomever your sleeping with. Def an issue if QC is not watch received.

    The pearl is fine. At 10x your gonna see imperfections. Gens have imperfections to.

    If you want perfection at 10x loop, get the gen. Welcome to the rep world man, sit back, relax, and enjoy plenty of good stuff here. My version of rule #1 it's not important what anyone else thinks of your watch, it's only important what you think.

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