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Posts posted by looseends

  1. Hmmm, :g: have a look guys :

    Here is what i found on Angus profile today : "Last Seen: Today, 12:43 PM "

    Looks like Angus gets some interest to us !!! :1:

    Hope he is going to resolve the current problems of his customers ...


    My first time dealing with Angus - I just sent a question via his new site, curious to see when/if it gets answered. I'll update here with time frame of my experience with him. :g:

  2. Hello All,

    I've got my eye on the Porsche Design Tourbillon, does anyone have any experience on this rep? Also I'm curious, how does anyone decide which webpage to buy these off of? There are so many and I imagine some of them are a complete rip off.

    I've been here a couple weeks. There are definitely a lot of scam sites out there, and the troublesome part is they look like the reputable ones (well, there are some differences you'll notice). Anyway, browse around the forum, I'm sure you'll find the info you want and find the site that's right for you. Research is the #1 obstacle between you and that Tourbillon!

  3. Bingo, bango! :lol: I got my new insert and fit it in! Special thanks to By-Tor for pointing out the right insert (earlier in thread) - it did require sanding of the edge. A few passes around and it fits seamlessly, no glue either. I'm a little paranoid that it will pop off, but I can't easily get at it, so I'm thinking it's pretty secure. I'd also prefer the ease of prying it up should I want to get other inserts and change the look once in a while.

    Okay, pics. The numbers are too close to the edge I think, but I prefer the font. :good:

    EDIT: Actually, the printing is way too close to the edges. The 18, 16, and arrow all overlap into the inner ring. The more I look at it, the more I can't stand it. :angry: I've contacted the ebay seller about it, the auction image was clearly not the same. We'll see what happens.



    Cue By-Tor "Now get to work on those CGs. Did I make a tutorial for nothing?!" One day By-Tor, one day. :p

  4. After you sprayed it, did you rinse out the WD50? I can't imagine you wearing the bracelet with WD50 still clinging to the bracelet

    You keep saying WD50, are we talking about the same thing?

    I didn't rinse it, just wiped it clean. Several passes with a microfiber cloth, and then again, several passes with a clean part of the cloth, being sure to get all the excess from between the links. There was no oil on it to the touch, I made sure of that. The important part is working the oil into the screws/links where the friction occurs (out of sight). If you're getting friction between links, i.e. the links butt up again each other, you may need some sanding there as well.

  5. 1. The bracelet squeaks a bit and it's not entirely smooth. I've heard that you using car wax and WD50 oil will make it better. What order should i do it in? And how long do i soak or leave the stuff on for? What kind of car wax should i use?
    I read up on this a bit, and I decided to use WD40. I saw suggestions about baby oil, but I hate the smell of it. And soaking the bracelet seemed unnecessary. I imagine auto wax would be hard to work in, and I'd think it would dry out as well.

    So I removed the bracelet, and simply sprayed WD40 between the links, and worked it in by rotating the links back and forth. It was pretty much soaked without having to stick it in a puddle of oil or anything. Wiped off the excess, again getting as much between the links as possible, all the while still rotating back and forth. This cleared up some "tightness" between the links, and the smell went away pretty quick, I didn't even notice. It even made it possible to get a stripped link screw out that wasn't causing a problem - it was holding - but knowing it was there bothered me. Oiled up it slipped right out, and I used an extra link in place of that whole link.

    I think there will be some good answers to your other questions by the experienced members. And don't give up on search, it's your friend.

  6. This confirms a theory of mine (well, a lot of others have the same theory): even a gen owner can't call out a rep when only a couple feet away.

    My thought is that gen owners buy the real thing, and don't really think about reps. Perhaps somehow they think a fake is obvious (I've been reading on the intarwebs about 'spotting a fake' and they're woefully under/misinformed compared to what I read here).

    We're the ones who obsess over the little inaccuracies. I bet just about any gen owner, unless a true 'enthusiast' who owns the same model as your rep, will not be able to call it out as a fake. Now in side by side comparison they'd probably catch you easily, but who, aside from fellow rep owners, is going to say "let's compare"?

  7. Now I'm just a n00b, but what looks different (to me) between your photos and the perfect clones photos are

    the CGs look too small

    the crown looks too thick

    But the angles could be tricking my eyes. :huh:

  8. Welcome to the group. Prices are higher than a few years ago but selection is getting better. Begin your search and narrow it down to 2 or 3 to contain your costs and get a watch that makes you happy. Then again - if you are rich - have at it. :D


    Hi everybody![/drnick]

    Well, I got the GMT Master first - and I love it. This forum was tremendously helpful in getting me over my fears. I mean, c'mon, replica watches? Yeah, crappy ROLECKS you get on a NY street corner for $20. Nobody makes replicas. So I needed that first one to make it all real, I guess. Without the forum I never would have chanced it.

    But now that it's real, I've ordered the two others I had my eyes on - a Bell & Ross BR02, and a Patek Perpetual calendar. I don't expect these to be as good of quality (cheaper $, you get what you pay for), and I read a bad review on the B&R, but I figure I need to try some things out - everyone here collects what they want and shares the experience, so I'll do the same. But I'm thinking that will be my 3 for a while. I can feel the addiction, but nothing else catches my eye quite yet. Next is probably learning more about the movements, servicing, modding.

    This is a great place. :good:

  9. Where on the bay did you find the date wheel overlay?

    By-Tor is the expert so I'll defer to him - for my GMT he recommended this bezel insert - if that's what you mean by date wheel overlay. He said it was important to get the 16700 for sapphire crystals. I had previously got a 16750 - that definitely didn't fit.

  10. Just never buy the BR02. They suck. Had 4 of them. 3 rosegold and 1 steel. All of them had some small trouble. The rosegold was so sharp around the case, that it even cut the strap off. (!!)

    The strap of the steel version was way too stiff. Uncomfortable. Others had problems with keyless works, loose inner bezel, sticking minute hand, dust underneath glass.

    Just tooooo much.



    This is sad news, I want to get a BR02. I was looking at the steel one. There's also a PVD black one now. :(

  11. You're welcome!

    How did you "screw up" the insert? Some aftermarket inserts simply don't fit around the crystal and there's not much you can do.

    The Jewelryoutlet one fits perfectly. But you have to make sure that you order the insert for the 16710 sapphire version, because the plastic crystal models (1675, etc.) have smaller crystal diameter, and your insert won't fit. This is important.

    PS: You don't even need to sand it down, but it looks nicer when the insert merges smoothly with the bezel edge.

    A-ha! Yes, I think I got the 16750 originally. I would say it was too small, it seemed so close to 'snapping in' but I couldn't do it. But you're talking about this one.

  12. Yes, this is the Noob GMT with wrong hand stack. But it has the good dial which is important. The watch isn't very accurate in the default condition, but an excellent base.


    Thick GMT hand




    File the cg's

    and you have hell of a rep.

    Good to know Andrew can source this good one now.

    Congrats Looseends, you did well. And welcome to the forum!

    PS: You can get a Pepsi insert from Ebay, which will fit your watch nicely with a little bit of sanding and glue. Try seller "Jewelryoutlet". The guy sells crap too, but his Pepsi insert is actually very good... perfect colors.

    Thank By-Tor, alligoat, toadtorrent. I've seen By-Tors threads - awesome info - I actually ordered before I saw those in particular (more worried about vendors). So luckily I did get the watch with a lot of potential. Any recommendations on bezel/insert replacement at the same time? Those are probably the most glaring issues in my eyes.

    FYI I did get a bezel insert from ebay, perfect color and font looked right, but that is the one I screwed up. So now I'm thinking to replace the bezel and insert at the same time, but knowing my luck I need someone else to do it.

    Thanks for the compliments everybody. By-Tor, you rock.

  13. So I've been lurking for a few weeks - just waiting for my first rep. After discovering the forum(s) (both RWGs), I read up a bit and settled on Andrew/Trusty Time as my dealer. I always wanted a GMT Master - big Magnum fan, and I prefer Pepsi to Coke, too - so I ordered the $238 with ETA 2836-2 movement, and waited. And I can't begin to describe how helpful the forum was - I probably would have bailed on the purchase without knowing how Trusty takes payment, and then I would have been racked with anxiety waiting for it to arrive. Thankfully the experiences posted here helped me out a lot. So here's my timeline:

    May 8 ordered

    May 9 confirmation/tracking email received

    May 12 shipped (also about when info available on EMS Site)

    May 14 customs JFK

    May 19 released!

    May 20 at my door

    And it is exactly as pictured, and almost exactly as described. It's listed as a uni-directional bezel - but it actually is bi-directional! This is awesome, because it was one of the larger "flaws" in my eyes. The other issue for me is the bezel insert font - more on that in a minute. So here's a couple pics, pardon the lack of quality.



    So the bezel font... <_< I purchased a replacement with the right font, and I just spent about an hour fooling with it. I'm horrible at this kind of detail work, so I shouldn't have attempted it. Long story short, I'm back to the original insert as I couldn't get the other one to fit well (sanded, etc.) and now I have a nick in the original. It's all very frustrating, don't ask me to explain. I'm actually not clear on the gen font anyway, serifs or sans-serif? Depends on gen year? See, I don't even know.

    :good: But I'm very happy with this watch. I feel I've gotten quite an education here on what some of the issues are rep vs. gen, but these are things I would have no way of noticing otherwise. As far as I'm concerned, it looks authentic enough. If I wanted gen, I would have bought one. I couldn't reason the $$$, which is why I started looking at reps.

    Thanks again to everyone for making this great community. I'll be hanging around, as there's a couple other reps I want now :thumbsupsmileyanim: Bell & Ross BR2, and a Patek Phillippe if you must know.

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