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Everything posted by cornerstone

  1. Major thumbs up if the PAW can be resurrected! Make it happen!
  2. You know, I think your poll could be kinda more interesting BTW that Hooters pic...is that a stack of baby chairs? Do people really take their babies to Hooters? (I don't mind that they do, it just pisses me off that I never knew that was even an option. "Hey honey, I'm just taking the kids down Hooters." "Okay Hun." )
  3. It's no scoop - just Google the European auto press for background information on it. Or look at the 2012 EU Carbon Emissions standards and compare with the emissions from the existing range.
  4. There's a reason for the Aston Cygnet, and why only existing owners can buy one. The Cygnet helps the Aston Martin meet emissions targets for the entire brand so they don't have to neuter the engines in their main sports cars; that's the only purpose of it. The Cygnet is bad so the other cars can remain good. Obviously they want to limit the brand damage, which is why they're only being sold to 'real' Aston Martin owners.
  5. Merry Christmas! PS Is that a zimmer frame on the left?
  6. Is it just the lume 'stick' or the whole marker that fell off? It's a fairly straightforward fix.
  7. Updating the company's Twitter page apparently. They have some rotables on sale at the moment and an abundance of MD-82 parts apparently. All the usual Twitter pre-Christmas aviation impulse buys
  8. I think New Year's Resolutions are best left to regretful hungover stupors. I've quite a lot to get through in terms of eating and drinking between now and then But when the time arrives I'm sure it'll involve: a. Not eating as much crap as I'm about to eat. b. Not drinking as much as I'm about to drink. Little known facts about Scotland: Scotland takes drinking on New Year's so seriously, both Jan 1 and Jan 2 are public holidays. (Because this Jan 2 falls on a weekend work doesn't begin again until Jan 5.) Anyway, see you back in this thread in a few weeks, about 4 kilos heavier. [i plan to counter this weight gain through the use of titanium watches].
  9. A new member of the year of category, it's time to vote for your 2009 Hawaiian 'Membrane' of the Year. Background Information: - Why 'Membrane'? A: It would ruin the mystery to explain. - Who is eligible? A: Nominations must be Hawaiian, or alternatively look hot wearing coconut cups as a bikini top. - Is Lani eligible? A: Yes! - Is this award because he de-nominated himself from the overall membrane of the year award? Possibly. - Is there a bench press eligibility requirement? A: Glad you asked. Yes, 150 lbs. - Is there a minimum watch ownership requirement? A: Yes, nominees must own at least 100 watches. - Are there aged over 60 and under 60 categories? A: But of course. So it's over to you RWG'ers - who is your 2009 Hawaiian 'Membrane' of the Year?
  10. Welcome Kurt. If you're into reps you're going to love it here. Not just for rep info, but happily the community is full of good guys.
  11. Great post - no surprise that the Ingy is my all-time favourite. It wears incredibly well on the wrist. As Lani says, the VC is actually quite sleek and not really chunky. The Ingy wears quite high, but the bracelet and design makes it work. Fantastic watch! Deserves some Chief AR lovin' too
  12. Steel was his old gutters. Not since he discovered this stuff: "Neutron Star Crust Ten Billion Times Stronger Than Steel" [NB I believe next month's National Geographic may be covering a story "Alaskan Man's Gutters Ten Billion Times Stronger Than Neutron Star Crust"]
  13. Tsk...it isn't a Nanuq challenge without a bear. The things Nanuq will do to test his guttering, I don't know.
  14. Here's my personal view: This a forum for people that enjoy watches, not for the watches themselves (we haven't had any watches sign up anyway). I enjoy the camaraderie, and that extends beyond watches. I find that the kinds of people that are attracted to this hobby are, happily, very cool guys. I like a laugh, if that involves a risqué joke so be it. Life's short, and we're all grown-ups. Some European cultures consider it rude if you don't show boobies. [i may be wrong on this one, but it was certainly the impression I gained around Pigalle, Rieperbahn and De Wallen (random sample)). There's a button where you can switch avatars and signatures off. One button. To censor 23,000 members because one person doesn't want to press a button doesn't stand to reason. If you don't want to see them, just turn them off. It's that easy.
  15. On the fun front I appreciate the FM Vegas with it's roulette wheel
  16. There is such a button. Avatars and signatures can be turned off in your forum options.
  17. @Gachtaman: If someone has offered this to you, then PM. If the forum team isn't sending the strap then it's bollock all to do with them. This sounds like a well-meaning gesture that's gone wrong. @GeorgeGrasser: I think lani was jesting with his response, but I just wanted to say that all members really are welcome. You were right - those that are doing well help contribute to keeping the lights on here for those that are less able to afford the contribution. And as life takes its shifts, maybe the guys that can't afford it today will help keep the lights on another day for folk that have hit a speed bump. EVERYONE IS WELCOME PERIOD.
  18. This may explain their sudden urgency to get Pugwash off the forum and on an all-expenses paid trip to Vegas :lol: [i keeed, I keeed... ]
  19. Brilliant - thank you! This should set the cat amongst the pigeons with some of the watches with 'Swiss' ETA movements being sold at a premium.
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