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Everything posted by cornerstone

  1. This is interesting. It rang a bell and I looked - and of course realized that it was you that had discussed this before Cats. So you have taken the crystal off with the bezel as Usil said and it can't go back on by hand, is that right? Out of interest - which Fiddy do you have, is it indeed a newer one? I thought it might be helpful to identify which ones need to come out the front and the back. Incidentally - you said you opened the back of yours, what did you use if you don't mind me asking. So far mine is resisting everything I throw at it.
  2. They're moving to a new server this weekend I think.
  3. Ach, admit it. It's so the pub know where to send you home in the taxi at the end of the night! Gee - I need a glyph of my own. This is like your own The Artist Formerly Known as Prince thing, right?
  4. Okay - a plague on all your houses for making me read this and try to work out what the disagreement is! So here are some new rules: 1. In the case of a draw - RWG Supporters win 2. Gens are better than reps unquestionably. You may prefer one to the other for many reasons, but one is still better than the other. 3. Rich people aren't cheap. 4. The Queen doesn't drive those cars at all. It was the Queen Mum with all those shite Daimler Limo's. The Queen has a fleet of RR Phantoms and a new Bentley. She has a fairly new (Jaguar) Daimler (supercharged V8) and a Range Rover. She drives like a nutter. Are we done? The original topic: Who prefers reps to gens?
  5. That's interesting, cheers. As I understand it they have voted to propose the change, but the authorities and government have yet to decide on the matter. Interesting times ahead.
  6. Merging this with the "are you gay?" thread.... ...just kidding!
  7. It's Friday....It's "Shortest Thread Time" Jeez - you buy the wife a Merc and she storms off in a huff. Wimmin'....
  8. Welcome Perhaps you could post some photos of the offending JLC bracelet, you never know.
  9. Today the Ingy...
  10. Joking of course (and her merits don't impact one way or the other on the merits of simple English) but half-seriously if she was that concerned she could have taken them a meal and let them have heating for the night. The forms didn't kill them, even if they'd been filled in and posted, they'd still be frozen stiffs come morning. (If it were true.... ) One other comment to make on her - for someone who loves plain simple English (because she couldn't read until her teens) - she loves the word "gobbledygook". I mean she can write it several times in a single paragraph - it almost looks like keyword stuffing on her website she loves it so much. And sure, enough, if you Google "gobbledygook", the plain english campaign is in the top 5 results...(number 1 in the UK results).
  11. In Maher's own words (from The Guardian): "Poor communication in a public document was the reason the campaign began. I was helping two old ladies complete a form for extra heating allowance. This was money they desperately needed; they were choosing between turning the heating on and eating each evening. Both these ladies were perfectly intelligent but the forms they had to complete were just too baffling to decipher. Eventually I gave up and promised to return in the morning to finish the job. When I did so, I found the pair being carried off to hospital where they died of hypothermia. I vowed to do whatever I could to stop people suffering for the sake of gobbledegook." The bitch killed them!! I mean, if she was that worried she could have put a quid in the electricity meter. Or not "given up".
  12. The more interesting power play is perhaps not so much between China and Switzerland, so much as between "fashion watches" and the top Swiss brands. Peace Mark retail top brands in China, but manufacture a good lot of all those fashion watches we see in malls everywhere too. The financial muscle that comes from the latter is helping them to muscle in on the former. I'm sure there's an Australian connection to that company too, something in the back of my mind. I'm think I read within the past year that one of Sydney's most expensive houses (in the $20m range) was sold by a guy who had built up this massive fashion watch business in Hong Kong.
  13. From The Times: LINK: 50 Reasons not to buy an Iphone Not a flaw at all, but this cracked me up....(linked to in that list) "iPhone returns from service with 'official iPhone tool" Hey, I have one of those iClips already!
  14. You should take a screenshot. Classic.
  15. @Antonio_Montana: Is it possible that it might be easier, cheaper and faster just to polish the bridges up and do the gold lettering yourself? [if you can get the Fiddy open]
  16. Admit it, you just bumped this to find out what "being somewhat handsome in sort of a Norwegian way" means! This is my guess....
  17. What they should have said is that we're repetitive So, anyway, who does have the best sub?
  18. http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=9986 or http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=24445 or http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=19355
  19. If you own a Discovery, then I'm imagining you may have suffered more than most...
  20. Yup, that's what I said earlier. 18 year olds aren't in the habit of gathering over single malts. That said, I hear students have moved on from 2 litre plastic bottles of cider and bedsits - they now do it tough on laptops, mobile phones, WIFI and Magners over ice instead... And really you don't have to try especially hard nor appear to try hard - just talk to people, jeez. Being from overseas makes you interesting. Liking mayonnaise on your chips makes you a freak, but it makes you an interesting freak for example. @vbarrett: Philosophy and history are tough?! Arts students crack me up....
  21. Yup, that is superb...!
  22. I'm lovin' these 'ultimate' Ingy shots of yours!!
  23. Brilliant....now I have more stuff to worry about!! Great read!
  24. Ach, before you know it you'll have vomited with half of them and slept with the rest....! Have a good one, mate!
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