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Posts posted by JAMZ

  1. Let me know opinions on this gents.

    I think that getting a Tourbillion REP is kinda a waste no? These watches are very limited in number and cost way over $100k for starters. So y get one if we still have to go to our nine to five, pulling up in something that doesn't cost half as much unless you're rolling exotics, etc. I don't get it. . .Can someone clue me in?

  2. I predict that within the next 15 years we will have a near complete failure of the world economic system because of how it is manipulated. I fear that my children will be finishing their lives in total world chaos, famine, an environment that has totally been destroyed and without energy. Within the next 100 years the world will return to near caveman conditions. Mark my words... we are seeing the beginning of the end!

    Care to donate any of your collection since you won't be needing them? LOL

    That was a ray of sunshine. . .LOL

  3. Maybe, but IF this gonna be correct, this supply is deep under the sea. And BTW, the rain forest, mostly Amazonas, is in the north of the country, and this supply, is in the southeast. Also u have to remember that the Petrobras isn

  4. Thank you JZ..

    from the inside ... now we know we are not lunatics spouting off.. :D

    People are just waking up and smelling the over priced coffee and just beginning to question. . .Great post!!!! I definitely could go on and on.

  5. In reading some of the replies on the string some tend to think this might be a good thing, the ever rising oil prices. Let me first qualify my opinion. I am an Oil and Natural Gas trader that understands the ins and outs of the politics of the business. Relatively speaking, we are still on par with the price of gas in relation to oil from the 70's when the embargo had the US in a gas frenzy. Given inflation and the rest of the economic mumbo jumbo I'll spare you with, the price of gas at the pump is exactly where it should be. The problem is the crap economy that happened to coincide with the last two years of the largest "shell game" imaginable.

    The Oil industry is rigged my friends. It's a racket that makes the drug cartels look like small time chumps. And quite frankly they are. Does anyone know what Bush paid in taxes in 06? How about Chaney? $400 million and $600 million respectively!! Yeah in TAXES!!

    The problem is not supply. That's what the news and OPEC and the respective governments tell you to justify the pricing over $100 a barrel. The fact of the matter is that there is plenty of supply and as of the latest reports, Brazil could possibly be sitting on the worlds largest supply if geologist are correct (but of course it will come at a huge expense because of eighty% of the terrain in Brazil is rain forrest which is hugely significant in the balance of world homeostasis). The problem is more a demand issue. The refineries can't process and ship it quick enough. They just can't handle the output. So common sense would say why not build more refineries?

    The oil companies are posting record profits right? Refineries cost somewhere between $200 to $500 million. Chump change right? Even updating or expanding existing refineries would help right? Well think about it. . .if it ain't broke don't fix it. And I'm speaking about the system. It's this bottle neck that squeezed prices above $100 a barrel. Frankly, in my opinion the oil companies never thought it would get over $115 a barrel. It has been a run away train. The securities market is crap, the dollar is tanking, and the housing market fell out of bed so what's left to invest in and put money into for the banks and institutions? The tangibles... energy, precious metals, grains (softs), etc.

    These levels of pricing in the energy markets are purely speculatively driven in my opinion. There are many factors I'm basing that on having to do with technical aspects of the energies world and how it trades, but mostly because of new injection of money that never traded energies or even commodities at all.

    There are A LOT of people getting rich in this time boys. the classes are definitely diverging and the rich are blowing past super rich on their way to the next level unimaginable to the rest of the average or even a six figure professional.

    It doesn't look like it's going to get any better economy wise either. I mean hell, GM and Ford are on life support. One is definitely going out of business. It's a matter of time and the survivor will get pulled out by the crooked politicians.

    So in short, live your life as happy as can possibly be. Maybe move to some small island or something LOL because the shell game isn't going to stop and the average joe is the one going to pay. As far as gas prices are concerned it's basically right on par with where it should be. Are we spoiled? Yes, but it also hurts us because we are hurting all the way around. Housing, retail, inflation, recession. . .


  6. It increases the flow of blood into the muscle, carrying in more nutrients and oxygen and flushing out more waste products. It also increases vascularity as a result which gives an enhanced look to the muscle and more volume. If you don't get a good pump, your muscle hasn't been worked hard enough. A good pump is a sign of a good, intense workout. NOS helps you achieve that quicker.

    Doesn't help you achieve it quicker, it helps prolong it. MRI makes the best NO2 on the market called NO2 Black. It is a blood dilator that promotes the exchange of oxygen to blood which essentially gives you your "pump". More blood in the muscles the bigger the pump. It takes about a week and a half to enter the system so whatever immediate effects you feel is purely mental. I use this stuff and it is great!!

    I agree with most that the majority f the sups out there are crap, but just like the REP world, for every 5 bad ones there is a gem out there.

    If you do the NO2 sup drink tons of water (as you should with all sups) and stack with CE2....

  7. After several false starts, I am jumping back into physical fitness with both feet, and I figured why not give myself every advantage (within reason) that science has to offer. It didn't hurt that I get this stuff wholesale; here's about half of what I bought today:


    This is just the stuff I am keeping at work.

    It seems like we have a good amount of fitness enthusiasts here, I was wondering was your take on OTC supplements?

    All that advice aside (and there is quite the opinion in here) I am retired athlete still working out 4 times a week and the first question is what goals do you want to achieve? Are you trying to bulk up, lose weight, get lean, or just get fit?


  8. RobbieG, the dial on that maxi is the best one Imo.

    Picked this one up a little while back, sometimes I wish I could flip it and wear it in reverse. My grail manufacture period.




    Just got in this Arnold, has a water (sport) heritage so here it is. 45mm, with a 7 day reserve movement. Not a well known maufacture, but they have some nice offerings.




    Beautiful Arnold & Sons. . .I am definitely gonna check out their offerings. Sweet!

  9. JAMZ : did he replyed tyour email or did you just ordered without paying? Ive placed my order 3 days ago and still no reply from ufanta's website. I hope he will as I would love to get my hands on his 183h ;)

    Yeah, just like you are waiting so am I. I'm getting that sinking feeling. I haven't heard of anyone with actual product from him. Oh well. . .

    Cheers, let us know what happens!

  10. The Nautilus and Aquanaut both have their flaws, but right now they are some of the best REPS (not just PP reps) available in terms of quality and fit and finish..

    Awesome collection Corgi!! I am new to the forum and seeing as how you seem to be seasoned, where do you recommend I start my Super Rep collection? I am looking for Patek Aquanaut and a Panerai for starters.


  11. Just joined your esteemed forum which cam e highly recommended.

    The Rep Bug has already begun buzzing in on me.

    I have a Gen collection of 7 pieces, but I want a few more that I don't want to break the bank for. A buddy of mine showed me one of his Panerais that he got through this forum and now I am super pumped to jump into the Rep world. It was a heck of piece!!!

    So where do I start?


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