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Everything posted by tech

  1. No one is forcing any donations....I put in my guilt-trip ridden $.02 cents that if you're benefiting from this site then you should contribute....otherwise it will go away. I typed that...not Admin. I really don't have that much force. No one is taking anything away from the non-paying members...but if the bills don't get paid than the bill collectors will take the information/site away. Internet ain't so much free anymore...is it? The internet is only free in that the viewer has to deal with the SPAM and adverts. I stated...no pay... no play in quotes...it is a play on words and I never intended for it to mean a "PAY/Subscription Site"...it simply meant that if you are here and benefiting from this site...than you should contribute. I am sure the ADMINs are tired of the monthly begging for alms. I haven't lost touch...and I am certainly no veteran around here....I landed here last year...liked what I saw and immediately did an annual membership. Yes this is an atypical site, and as the ADMIN has noted it is expensive to host and the current revenue being generated AIN'T paying the bills. And there is no reprisal nor Fear of Reprisal being doled out from what I have seen..... but what there WILL be is NO MORE RWG...or at least a SPAM FREE RWG...
  2. To quote your "emotional blackmail"....yes, call it what you want....also, if the "shoe fits...then wear it" applies....dam skippy if I can lay a little guilt trip on the members that are feeding at the trough but not contributing....I enjoy the hell out of this site and I don't want it to go away. If EVERYONE did their part...than the call for donations wouldn't be necessary. Ramadan Kareem Alaikum massalam Also, as Islam "demands" charitable contributions to the needy...I guess that doesn't count as "emotional blackmail" ....only my posting does?
  3. Sir your challenge has been accepted and "bested"......
  4. Sir your challenge has been accepted and "bested".....is that a word.
  5. Donation on the way.... Now, I have to add my comments and partially agree with some of my fellow "members" of "the club".... My bottom line is "no pay...no play"...I am seeing too many postings of non paying folk looking for a handout....looking for free advice and even a few folk making for sale posts in the non-sale fora 'cause they don't have membership. We have a lot of visitors here and a lot of good information available...and this information costs money. Its time they pay up. So many of these newbs land here after getting fried for $1000 "Swiss Grade A uno numero shiz nitty Rollie sub" purchases....the info presented here already saves them a LOT of money. I landed here early last year....liked what I saw...heard the monthly call for "donations" and of becoming a supporter and so I immediately pony'd up the money. I wish the other freeloaders would do the same.
  6. JIRO, I need to sign up for your photo and photoshop class immediately...great pix and thanks for the post! Great eyecandy
  7. I just love being the oddball.... Hate the YG version but already handled the WG version at the AD the other day and I have to tell you it is beautiful....yep...I said it...I love it! ...As they say....Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....
  8. Welcome to the board jumpy....interesting fantasy pieces you have there....climb aboard as there is lots of good info here... cheers
  9. Congrats on the smoke free...as my now formerly nicotine-stained fingers can attest...you have already done yourself a huge favor.... Nice collection.
  10. tech

    Fake AP chrono?

    reported too....why is that fako still up there....effin egay employees stop sleepin' already....
  11. Yeah...i just reported that fako fugly "PANERAI GMT".....can't believe it was bid up to 6 bills.....effin dumbasses out there...
  12. With Jose gone....Chelsea might not be the same...Always love the Rosso-Nero in Milan.....Kaka is something else but good defense will almost always shut him down. I do like Barca if Henry can play nice with the others... A lot of it will come down to who is spending their energies on their home leagues... Nice jab on ManUre for the ugliest players....if that ain't a kick IN the crotch....daaaaayaaaam they are fugly but they got mad skills.... I need to go [censored] to the satty provider as my CL coverage her is effin spotty....greedy mofo... rant off...back on thread...blah...blah...too much red wine tonight...
  13. I"ll second that bump...I bought all three...sold the tan one as its color and texture was very similar to the MP 5 Homage Strap which I already had...you can't go wrong with the Mario Paci straps....they are awesome. Congrats on your purchase as you will love it..it'll make your panny look the business...
  14. tech


    Beautiful HBB RG and great pix...smokin' watch! How is the weight/heft on that beast? Is it all light and dainty or big and beefy? ...did that make any sense? cheers
  15. Excellent. Another plus for my membership here!!! Now, when do we get the VIP XXX Porn Skin....I'll be waiting ;-)
  16. Well...its official...Jose M. the best thing that ever happened for Chelsea has left Stamford Bridge.... What a shame...I just can't believe it....That also means that Drogba and Lampard will prolly go too at the end of the year as their contract will be up.... god I hate effin micro managin' football owners....sheesh.... really sad for us Chelsea fans and for the EPL as well....
  17. my mia noi... as paris would say..thats hawt...
  18. Awesome....that brings back some memories!
  19. PAM 113 - she'll love it.
  20. Hell yeah! This is my current obsession....along with the new GMT 2....not sure which one will win though... Gotta say this though...I handled/fondled/lusted/drooled on it in the AP Boutique and when I was given the $18k price tag I had to actually take a step back and think....hmmmmm, is this baby really worth $18k? I say nay and am looking to pick up a used one in the $10k range... Some folks got money to burn and $18k is drop in the bucket...but not for me...I gotta pinch them pennies to get my toys, so for me, its an awesome watch but dammmmmiisIT Expensive!
  21. Absolutely! My wife loves her gen 113...I think PAMs look great on everyone. Now, if I could only swap it out for a decent rep, then sell it to cover my rep sickness... lol But now...she wants a TT Yachtie with white dial/onyx markers...where did that one come from!
  22. Very nice SR Sub from MBK...I also have that rep and love it! Just gotta get off my azz and start getting some mods done to it... funniest thing...wife snatched it off my wrist and asks if its okay if SHE wears it...I say sure...you want one? She sez, Nah, I'll just wear yours.... hmmmmm...its obvious she has good taste...hence she married me....lol man, am I so full of it....
  23. MBW was an acronym for Maria's Best Watches...Maria is no longer here sourcing them for the members...the one and only source for MBW/MBKs is thailand. MBK is the correct acronym to call them as that is the place where they come from...
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