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Posts posted by jjajh

  1. G-man :blink::huh::huh:

    Cardianal rule #398254778 of the BIN:

    Never mention ethical drug products in posts unless they are hallucenegens. :rolleyes:

    You are forgiven this time since you live next to Sweden.

    Now if you could show us a watch actually sucking...that would be BIN enlightening :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  2. OK...I am signing off now to try and get some sleep.

    With one parting thought to share....

    If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform a million realities

    Good night Mrs Callabash...wherever you are :)

  3. @jf :)

    I now better understand where you are and can only wish you joy and happiness.

    To some extent, we are part of your exrtnded family...amd like any family members who care...we throw our 2 cents in whether it is needed or not.

    Regards as Always,

    Your Uncle Jeff :p

  4. Oh Oh...Ryy....what are the laws on Bestiality in France these days?

    You may want to stay in the closet on that one :whistling:

    Any other sexual proclivities of interest you might want to share :unsure::unsure:

    I think we are on a slippery slope ;)

  5. Here is what I would like to tool around the neighborhood in. At a price tag of around $600K, I am about 12% of the way toward owning one. In case Iso reads this...it has 806 tiny horses that take you from 0 to 100kph in 3.2 seconds with a top speed of 395kph. To achieve those mildly aggressive statistics, the car is made of lightweight carbon-fibre composite, reinforced with kevlar and aluminum honeycomb structural reinforcements. BTW...it's a Koenigsegg CCX from Sweden :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    38900-38591.jpg showroom

    38900-38592.jpg on street in the rain

  6. There are always multiple windows to look into a room. Bob has added a wonderful perspective which blows me away. He is absolutely right that if you focus on giving something of yourself to someone who really needs it...you will truly feel fulfilled and the options in your life will expand and flourish.

    When I was going through my divorce I used to spend my weekends up in Harlem in New York working with Black kids who were gifted athletically but had not been given the basic foundational education to even get through grammar school. I still look back at those days as some of the most fulfilling in my life. Senator Bill Bradley taught math and I taught English. The kids had to attend the classes in order to get into a basketball clinic sponsored by the Knicks each weekend and run by guys like Clyde the Glide Frazier and Willis Reed.

    It doesn't matter what the need is...it is that in your giving you will receive more than you could ever imagine.

    I bow to your wisdom Bob :notworthy:

  7. Bres and Ryy

    So far we have managed to keep this site a positive and friendly experience. We don't have to like each other and fortunately there is enough room to enjoy the place without having to get in the others face and start attacking each other publicly.

    Friendly suggestion...take it off-line if you have to get down and dirty with each other; or just ignore the other guy and enjoy the forums.

    With all the shit in this world, I can't believe this continual bickering between you two is all that important in the scheme of things :)

    Now if you two were married to each other :o:o ....see there is an upside ;)


    Jeff :)

  8. OR....get rid of her reminders and start looking ahead and not backwards :thumbdown:

    It was GREAT...it was LOUSY...it was FIREWORKS and RAINBOWS...BUT it didn't work for one or both of you which translates into BOTH OF YOU... so you've got to burn the emotional shrines and start seriously finding the RIGHT lady :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I say this not to anger or hurt you but to give you some hard won, sage advice from a friend whose been there, done that and made a great life for himself by finding the right person to share it with... after almost self destructing on a relationship that ended very badly.

    JF....only you are in control of what you do but you need to get past the grieving and move on to the healing.

    Since I am old enough to be your Father...you can ignore my advice just like my kids do :p

    I'll shut up forevermore...if you drop the pic of her from your profile ;)

    jeff :)

  9. How Smart Is Your Right Foot?

    This is so funny that it will boggle your mind. And you will keep trying

    it to see if you can outsmart your foot. But you


    1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor! and

    make clockwise circles with it.

    2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right

    hand. Your foot will change direction!!!

    Mind over matter doesn't always win out

  10. I was blue, just as blue as I could be

    Every day was a cloudy day for me

    Then good luck came a-knocking at my door

    Skies were gray but they’re not gray anymore

    Blue skies

    Smiling at me

    Nothing but blue skies

    Do I see


    Singing a song

    Nothing but bluebirds

    All day long

    Never saw the sun shining so bright

    Never saw things going so right

    Noticing the days hurrying by

    When you’re in love, my how they fly

    Blue days

    All of them gone

    Nothing but blue skies

    From now on


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