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Everything posted by JoeyB

  1. It's only a cluster____ now because it is brand new, and being overrun by sheer numbers of people who want it. And there are so very many lies being told, fear peddling, by the opposition.
  2. You'll get paid. Take the amount of rides, multiply by the charges, and figure out how much your income will be going up. You should go out and carry a sign screaming for the ACA.
  3. With 30+ million new, paying patients, and the end of 30+ million non-paying patients, I think they can hire someone to handle the paperwork.
  4. Ya' know, they said the very same thing about Medicare, back in 1964. At that time doctors in the U.S. were mostly 'general practitioners', not specialists to any extent. In the cities most doctors made house calls, had an office up the narrow stairway from a drug store, and if they were paid cash they were happy. Even in the city barter was prominent, doctors driving the used car they had been paid with. Painting, plumbing, maintenance, electrical work, all to pay a bill. Medicare changed all that. It brought all those millions of elderly that could not pay their medical bills to become paying patients. That forced insurance companies to expand their products, and that helped to make a strong economy that forced businesses to provide health care coverage as perks in order to keep their employees. Physicians, who were almost always the most respected person in a community, were usually the monetarily poorest, unless they came from a wealthy family. Within 24 months of Medicare and what it brought with it, physicians were becoming wealthy. The used car gone, a new Cadillac out front. No more house calls, and more specialists. The GP wasn't doing your surgery any longer. It was a good thing. Doctors were being paid for their sacrifices of years in education, and being on call 24/7. But doctors and hospitals and services are not being paid for their work and health care for those who did not have insurance, including illegals. President Reagan made it law that anyone with no health care coverage would get health care at the emergency room, and could not be turned down. Certainly some abuse this program. The costs are spread out and averaged in so that all those who do have coverage, pay for those who don't. With the Affordable Care Act everyone must have health care coverage, or face a fine. The costs are subsidized for those at lower income levels, the pricing looks to be much more than fair and affordable. Doctors and hospitals will have 30+ million new paying patients, replacing 30+ million non-paying patients through the ER. The ACA is self-funding, which shows what sort of lies the Republican/conservative/Tea Party are telling in opposition to it.There are many ways it is self-funded, student loans being one way. Student loans used to be 'free' business guaranteed by the government and given to the banks. The same banks that crashed our economy. Now those student loans are part of the ACA, and the interest,, lowered, goes to fund the ACA. The ACA is not a health care coverage itself, but instead establishes 'exchanges' , a place where insurance providers can be shopped and compared and exposed for what they do and won't do. All these years insurance companies have been regulated by each state. Whether life, car, home, commercial or health insurance, each state controlled who could sell insurance in their state. That 'State's Rights' was vehemently defended by conservatives. Insurance companies could not go across state lines. So, little or no competition. Some states have as few as 2 insurance companies approved in their state. Now with the ACA all the insurance companies that choose to, can offer their product in each exchange. Full competition. Obviously, being a Liberal, I support the ACA. I would prefer universal Health Care in an industrialized Nation that brags a lot, but is last to address the health care of it's citizens. I think the ACA is a very good first step.
  5. Yes, as is non-hacking and non quick-set date. Those modern conveniences are a pain to live without, especially for daily wear. . I have two 6542s, one an ETA 2846 and the other a DG3804B. Both rum remarkably accurate. The ETA is non-hacking, but is the current mod with adjustable GMT hand and quick-set date. The DG is hacking, and all the rest. Both are slow-beat. I wear the DG daily. Everyone chooses for themselves just how realistic they want their watch to be. For me, I have no intent to sell my watches, or try to pass them off as genuine to anyone who asks (no one asks). And as I've said before, the only one who gets close enough to see if my watch is hacking, quick-set or GMT adjustable is not there to look at my watch. At that point thank goodness she is there for other reasons. It only matters to the owner of the watch.
  6. The 21j movements, DG3804B and DG2813 use the same size hands. The ETA use different size hour, minute and second hands. The GMT hand is the same for both in most cases. I have seen a larger GMT pinion on ETA movements, but that was a while ago. Rafflestime has all the hands for all the movements.
  7. It's not hard to say at all. You threatened Mike, harassed him at his home, he did as you instructed, and you now want more. In my opinion, you are full of it. I don't believe a word you posted.
  8. Isn't this you? Didn't you post this over a month ago?
  9. I simply corrected erroneous statements both on and off topic.
  10. Yes, your mistake. And, Yes, I am banned on RWGjr. But you didn't mention that I was banned AFTER I announced that I would never make another post there. I was banned AFTER being suspended for 7 days and then reinstated. I was banned AFTER I deleted my posts that added to that site. I was banned without making one single additional post. Looks like leaving out the details was your mistake as well.
  11. That is not true at all. No one else's property was listed as 'For Sale' in an ad nor any other way on Facebook, nor anywhere else. I saw his post. Why make up this garbage? In fact, it looks to me that there is quite a bit of fabricated garbage in this thread. Has anyone done a quick tally of all the claimed watches Mike is supposed to have had to repair? And when someone manned up and admits he attacked and was out of line with a snoot-full of beer, that gets attacked? Quite a few of these posts read like piling on, fabricated stories, unreasonable and impatient requests, and flat out lies. I'd suggest it stop. This is RWG. Not some flaming message board with watches as an after thought.
  12. Yes, or a 24 hour GMT hand from Rafflestime. He has both pinion sizes for the modified ETA / DG3804B and genuine/ETA2893-2, and both small and large arrows.
  13. "nicest"? "best"? It's all relative, of course. Genuine Rolex Tudor hands would be tops.
  14. Either the DG 2813 or the ETA 2846/2836-2 will fit the Rafflestime 'Tiger' case, and he has the adapter rings for each.
  15. Thank you! The big difference is the dial diameter. As i recall, the 'Tiger' case is around 29mm diameter. I make my own dials, so the size is no real issue for me. Andrew/TrustyTime has at least a dozen no crown-guard Subs listed. Plus 3 or 4 'new for September'.Are they out of all of them? http://www.ttw888.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_11&products_id=6342 I use Clark's crystals in all my watches. The 6538 is a 'rounded' T19, I think there are 3 styles of the T19. I don't remember what is in the 6204, it just looked right to me and it fit! Gary Clark makes his own acrylic crystals. They are very clear and I've had little to no distortion, and the price is right. Just make sure with Gary Clark or Ken at Rafflestime to mention RWG. It will help.
  16. The minute hand is for a Tudor to fit the ETA 2846 in it. The hour and minute hands are 'homemade', pieces soldered together. All were lightly sanded with 1500 grit to remove the plating and be bare brass for the 'gilt look'.
  17. For the money, I think Rafflestime case is a good one. You can get most of the parts you need from him as well. My 6204 is from the cartel and my 6538 is the 'Tiger' case available from Rafflestime and the Hong Kong Ebay cases. As to the pearl, I prefer an aged pearl rather than a new looking one. I remove the old pearl, put a tiny drop of lume in the concave hole, and fill using a toothpick with one tiny drop of 5 minute epoxy. It will self level, looking rounded and shiny.
  18. Here is the thread on the vintage Rolex date wheel overlay. There are good ideas in the entire thread. Our reps that use ETA or DG movements need an overlay for two reason. One, to reposition the date more toward the center to align with the Rolex date window position, and two, because the Rolex date wheel rotates opposite of the ETA and DG. The numbers have to be in reversed order. I copied and save the vectorized picture to my file. and used my photo program to adjust the diameter to fit the overlay. My first one from several years ago was done all by 'hand', copy and paste the numbers to a circle. This vectorized is a vast improvement. Then I print it on a clear, self adhesive inkjet label, suggested by another member here. The date wheel overlay can be painted to get a white of vintaged background. Then apply the sticker/label. Positioning is the tough part. Being clear (actually 'frosty'), it allows to to see through it a bit, and that helps. To my eye it is sharp enough. http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/150660-vintage-dwos/page-2
  19. I don't know why both Perfect Clones and Trusty Time call the movement a DG2813, I received two and they surely look like DG3804B movements to me. The caseback from Rafflestime is the correct one, according to RolexAddict and many others here. The hands from Rafflestime are rounded rather than curved, so I'd find the curved ones. Maybe Helenarou(sp?). The date wheel overlay that came with my 1655 from Trusty/Andrew was 'stepped', and it clipped in, which I had not seen before. It made the date wheel overlay easy to make and easier to align. I printed it using the one posted on the site, http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/150660-vintage-dwos/?hl=+overlay using a clear inkjet sticker. Use your photo program to size it to the overlay, print, cut it out and stick it on. Then adjust a few(Lol!) times! I used Clark's bezel, insert and crystal. And I used a 5.3mm genuine crown.
  20. Rather than a gen case, you might want to try this http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/144657-making-a-gen-style-16710-case-out-of-a-16570-case-and-tw-bezel-assembly/?pid=1089607#entry1089607 I used the bezel assembly from Clark's. I love how mine turned out.
  21. I used a silver date wheel, but I don't know if that is gen accurate for a 1960 1675.
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