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Posts posted by 436NR

  1. I was trying to adjust the daily timing of my A7750 and instead of moving the lever with the 2 gold dots I moved the one with the single gold dot. I further researched that the lever with the single gold dot controls the the isochronism of the watch. The article that I read said NEVER touch that lever and if you do you need to go to a watchmaker to get it recalibrated. I put it back to where I think it was. I made a mental note of it's position before I moved it just in case. Not sure it's the EXACT spot but we're talking fractions here.

    What should I do? Is there anything that I can do to calibrate on my own -OR- am I basically screwed?


  2. I have to tell you guys that the search button is the best thing going.

    Toad: your guide is the best!

    I'm not new to forums in general so I know enough to search first... ALWAYS! Every guide I have read stresses using the search function and trying different strings.

    To all the noob's out there that have doubts, here's a real world situation that occurred to me... hmmm.... today!

    I took my new rep that I have had for a week and decided to wash it with warm water and mild soap to make it nice and shiny (in the sink). That was two days ago. This morning was a foggy, misty day at the Jersey shore. While walking on the dock to catch my ferry I looked down at my watch to see what time it was and much to my shock all I saw was fog! My watch fogged up from the inside! My first reaction was panic. My next was to crack the laptop open and post a plea for help on this forum. I instead waited for my 40 min ride to finish and get in and hit the search button here. Not only did I find my answers as to why, but also what to do about it. I knew I wasn't the first DOPE to do this! And when I hit the "how do I take the caseback off" question without damaging the watch, I found that too. So, in less than 30 min I had all my answers, watch bracelet off, caseback off and drying on a heat source. And guess what? No more fog! I did it all without crying for help and getting spanked my the greats that dwell this place. So YES, always SEARCH first!!! It works!

  3. Aaah...you didn't try searching hard enough. Before you get flamed for asking the most often asked question in the universe ("where should I buy from?")...read my guide....I wrote it just for YOU:


    BTW...you don't buy reps in the GTA...you mail order them from China...or buy them from RWG members who live in Canada...or GTA if you're that specific. The ones in TO suck...trust me.

    Welcome aboard...read, search, read more, learn, and have fun.

    I got lucky!

    I ordered my first rep before finding this most AWESOME place. I googled "Breitling Replicas" and looked at all the dealers out there. I eliminated the ones that all used the same stock photos. I luckily found one that did a great job and supplied an excellent watch. I was a bit stressed after finding that no one here ever heard of them and they were not on the list.

    I must admit, it was all gut! Real lucky!!!

  4. Thanks!

    I have to tell you guys that I've been treating the rep with kid's gloves especially after learning about the sensitivity of the Asian 7750. The gens are built to take a pounding and still keep their aesthetics and accuracy. I'm a former mil aviator and know how to use a flight computer. But despite the Nav wheels on the gens being accurate they are not practical or even usable in flight. It's just a badge that id's you as a pilot. I use mine now while cruising on the boat for planning purposes.

    The reps are just not reliable as a professional instrument. All they do is make you look like you have a few $$$. This watch looks great and actually holds time well. That's all that 99.99% of us really need from it.

  5. Nice review, thanks a lot!

    A long time ago I replied for some sub dial information: I wanted to purchase the black dial version but Iam not really sure whether the subdials are slightly sunken and do have concentric rings as the real deal?

    Perhaps somebody can tell me or post a nice pic?


    I'm fairly certain that all the Datoras have sunken dials with concentric rings. When you look at the Havana gen dial it doesn't look like it, but when you look real close it does.

  6. Well, I've had this watch for a week now and I gotta tell you it's running pretty well. I hacked it on Monday to the atomic clock and it's only running about 15 sec slow. No real issues. However, I did notice that the lumes are not as bright as the gen.

    I'm going to have to take a closer look at the gen. The squares are white and it may just look like they filled the squares. The White face has black squares. That may make the dot stand out. I'll take a look with an eye loop.

  7. Thanks gang! Glad to do it!

    Yeah, the AR really needs to be better. They gave it a light AR on one side. The Gen has a double AR. I love the double AR that Breitling does on the gen.

    The markers on the nav wheel start to deviate at 11 and are a half a mark off from that point. I forgot to mention that although the bezel rotates smoothly it is easier to rotate than the gen. the gen has much more resistance so that when you align the markers when doing calculations they stay put.

    I purchased this one from replica-time.com. It appears they get their reps from the same place that perfect clones (Joshua) gets theirs. They have the same descriptions and same selections. Shipping is included in the price so the prices are a bit more.

  8. As promised I said I would post a review.

    I have a gen Datora with Havana dial, so I used that one as a benchmark for this rep. I have to say that this rep is beautiful! But like all reps its still a rep. There are some subtle differences that you really have to look hard to see.

    The first and biggest thing is the AR. When they said "light AR", they really meant it!


    I also noticed that the day and month font are bolder on the gen than on the rep. You'll also notice on the Nav wheel that the markers do not go all the way the edge as in the gen.


    The next difference I found was in the case itself. The Gen as two steps down towards the case back on the side. The second step has a concave slope to is versus square steps on the rep.


    The weight feels the same as the gen however you can actually hear the rotor and see the watch wobble on the wrist when its spinning around.

    Alll in all, the craftmanship is impressive and I really would not have known it was a rep if I didn't know better. It is a beautiful watch! Feels good on the wrist and the white?silver color is good. I'm very happy with this Datora.

    I sync'd the rep with the gen and after 24 hours the rep is running 30 sec faster. Not bad!

    Below are some more picks. Enjoy!



    Well, that was my first attempt at a review.

  9. Ok! I just got my rep Datora today! Very nice looking. Since I already have a Gen Datora I'll make a comparison and post a review with pics when I get a chance in the next day or two.

    I can tell you that the white dial is NOT cream colored. Its more silvery white.

  10. Every watchmaker has an office in NYC, and sometimes the salesmen hassle the Canal Street shops, especially if someone calls them and says "this shop has fakes of (their brand) watches!"

    You need to show them you're not working for the manufacturer.

    That's probably why the sign said "No Breitling", the Breitling Rep had been in recently.

    The shopkeeper probably had a dozen Breitling reps in the back that he'll hold until the heat is off.

    Nothing you can't get online for less, however - the only plus is you can try them on.

    Thanks for the info. That's what I was looking to do, put one in my hands and take a good look at it.

    Thanks again!

  11. I found with Canal street shops it helps to show them a good rep and ask if they have something of similar quality.

    They seem to be more comfortable if you show that you already own reps and know what to expect.

    So there are good reps there? Most of the shops said "no Breitling". One guy was wearing a Navitimer and looked at me like I was nuts!

  12. Nope, and you are not likely to either. The movement is just too complicated to be replicated correctly. Beautiful watch though.

    Thanks andreww! Yes it is!

    Curious, what's the complicated part? The 6:00 date with the 3:00 & 9:00 subs?

  13. I took a long lunch and went up to Canal Street. Ugh! What a disappointment! I found only two shops that went in back and got the good stuff and even those were real crappy reps. Guess I'll stick to RWG and everyone's recommendations here. You all seem like a good group! I hope to get to know some of you.

  14. Here is the pics of mine monty.

    Yeah! I see now as well. I compared your pics to my gen and the sliderule markers don't go all the way down to the edge. Most peeps wouldn't notice. I didn't notice when I looked at the pics on the net. It's only after you mentioned it. Still a sharp looking watch! I don't want to wear my gen on a daily basis so this rep will do fine. I have to maintain my image! 8) I just can't get anymore gens right now in this economy! Its a sickness.... I needs more watches! Hopefully this will hold me over until I can start spending $$$ again. :D

  15. As Yodap has said, there are none worth buying. I have only ever seen one replica of the B1 that I would consider buying, but that was very old (dont think they make them anymore), and by todays standards it isn't worth the money. Good thing is...it makes buying the gen all the more worthwhile.

    I totally understand. Thanks!

  16. It is yes. Also take note of Anton's remarks above. Reliability might be a problem, there was a big discussion about this when it first came out, a search should turn something up.

    I did a search the other day and there is a review but it points to the old forum and it wouldn't let me see anything there. Thanks!

    joint05: I got the confirmation that it shipped. I'll let you know the details when I get it. I'll post a few pics.

  17. I just ordered one. I have a Gen with Havana dial. I ordered a rep with the white dial. I'll let you know when I get it. The pics from the site where the best I have seen from all the sites. Although, I did see that the sub-dials had circular grooves. I don't think the white gen does. I'm pretty sure that this one has the Swiss 7750.

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