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UT Horn

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Posts posted by UT Horn

  1. If you are accustomed to wearing big watches, I can see how downsizing to a vintage classic might take some getting used to. But I think that if you have the confidence to set your own style, you can make any (gentleman's) watch look good (even if it happens to be the current fashion).

    Perhaps I could wear that watch, but with the way bigger watches have moved the current style, I don't think I'd personally try too hard to set a new trend. Like someone mentioned above, if you are a smaller guy, it's much easier to pull the vintage look off, but any guy with bigger arms will look a little funny wearing the watch pictured (IMO) right now.

    However, to each his own as this is just my opinion.

  2. I am sure there were some who felt that, but the principle reason so many 62xx Daytonas sat in dealers' cases gathering dust was the fact that they were manual-wind (& an expensive manual-wind) watch at a time when other (7750-powered) chronos were hitting the market for 1/4 the price of the Daytona & they were automatic with an optional date feature, to boot.

    For the past 4-5 years, just about every men's fashion magazine has been recommending classicly-sized watches. This example from Gentleman's Quarterly magazine (GQ) 2.5 years ago, but you will get the same recommendations from Esquire & Ralph Lauren, etc


    This looks ridiculous. I'd feel like I was wearing my wife's watch.

  3. I dont believe the aftermarket crystals will fit because the SSD is not built to gen specs in that regard. Try contacting BK in the dealer section to see what he recommends and if he has come up with a replacement yet. The only reason i would see to replace the crystal would be to get rid of that silly etched crown at 6 o'clock.


    I asked BK about this very issue and he told me there were no options for replacement crystal.

  4. It's the stock bracelet--not a replacement. :)

    First I take one of these:


    Then, I mix it with a bit of water and some of this:


    Scrub it into the bracelet in up & down motions, in the same direction as the brushed "grain".

    Wash it off with dish soap & dry it, then polish it in the same direction with one of these:


    That's all. :D

    Looks just like gen; give it a whirl!


    What is the item that you use to polish the bracelet with? The link doesn't work anymore.

    Btw, who is the woman in your avatar?! She's smokin'!


    UT Horn

  5. That's a cool looking version of the 1665. What did you do with the MBW hands that came on the watch? Are Clark's and WO better than the originals?

    I tried to get a Clarks T-19 crystal on my MBW and it too cracked. Bummer. I've got a Gen T 39 non-superdome coming in thanks to a good friend on the board and fully expect this to improve the watch greatly.

  6. I just did one yesterday. It was a MBW insert that took longer than a Yuki I did before. It took ~45 minutes to fade where I wanted it. A good tip that was mentioned above was to agitate the water and take it out so you can see what is really happening. Once the color starts to go, it fades fast. Here's a pic of my MBW 1665 GW I took with my iPhone. Sorry for the resolution.

    Here's how it started:



    post-19383-020140400 1279568253.jpg

  7. Thanks for the responce :thumbsupsmileyanim: The yellow markers really look like crap on the Trusty version. I'm still in the air about ordering from Eurotimz...he has 1665 MBW dials but it sounds like he might be a crap-shoot... :whistling:

    Anyone know where to source MBW dials?

    At least in a crap shoot you have a chance of winning. I wouldn't buy from Eurotimez at all under any conditions. There are a lot of guys that are out money because Eurotimez decided to just stop responding to emails.

  8. UT,

    there have been many posts about water resistance on the forums over the years. The general consensus is that you should treat every rep watch as being non water resistant until proven otherwise. The QC as we all know is non existant with reps, despite what some sellers tell you, excetions would be BK and possibly WM9. Other than those, I would have the watch pressure tested and see if it holds up. If the tolerences are within spec, gaskets and o rings are siliconed, then it should be Ok, but without a pressure test, you are taking a real chance submersing a rep. You were lucky, yours was probably a tiny leak and it was in fresh water. Get a seawater flood, and your new watch is an expensive paperweight! Best to be safe than sorry.

    I hear what you are saying, but I paid extra $ to have the watch gaskets siliconed and to have the watch tested for waterproofness. I was told it tested ok to 3 bars. I bought the watch from Narikka and he's always shot straight with me, so I assumed the information was good. I now need to get the watch looked over by someone local to ensure this doesn't happen again.

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