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Everything posted by dbutlerman

  1. Hey stilty...your pm is full and I've got a question about datewheels....

  2. Hi stilty - I am working on a vintage 1665 and i need to track down a vintage date wheel for an ETA and it looks like you might be the source. Do you still have any available? Thanks, DB2
  3. Ive got a question on your date wheel. Does the one you got from wholesale outlet turn the dates in the correct order? I am starting a 1665 project and the date wheel is my biggest concern at this point..
  4. Just read this thread! I am very excited to see the finished project! I can't imagine that long of a wait, I have trouble just waiting for a crystal to get AR coating!
  5. Thanks MJ - So the diameter of these 2 are the same?
  6. Wowie. That is a beautiful piece R! Jiminy! Now I am even more after a vintage sub!
  7. Hey Folks - I have an odd request. I've been hankering for a white Submariner. I recently discovered the 1665 and from what understand it is slightly larger than the standard Submariner. I looked at some sites for specs and it seems pretty close in size to my speedmaster. Can anybody verify that, preferably with pics? Thanks, DB2
  8. I thought I'd join the partyy. Not the best shot, ill take some more soon. But here it is anyways
  9. How are these at accepting Gen parts (Bezel/Datewheel/Dial etc...)
  10. I've got a 3G now, and this will be a big improvement - Battery, Speed, HD Video, 5MP Camera, "Retina" Dislpay 326 pixels per inch - pretty impressive - I'll be pre-ordering on the 15th with delivery on the 24th!
  11. If you guys fancy the wierder side of the culinary world, make sure to check our Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern...it's a good one! I just saw one of his episodes on the Tarantula - it looked pretty tasty once you can get your head around it... @Modelizer -Yup snake free @donerix - I was thinking the same thing - 12' is a lot of watch straps
  12. Day 3: No sightings... Day 4: A new friend, this time a Gopher snake. I am thinking that East County San Diego has a lot of variety of our slithery friends. Hope I don't see a Rattle Snake too soon. I hate those
  13. If it were me, I'd wait for this one: But that might not be your thing....
  14. Anybody know how to get a standard sort order on new posts when using the iPhone version? Mine sorts them kinda randomly...
  15. It can be expensive too, I found one for $122,000 http://www.reuters.c...N13091520080403 Welcome to the DSLR club! DB2
  16. Maybe they saw the post here about $10,000/ounce gold. They were just anticipating the price to go up prior to people reading the story
  17. Day 1: So I was minding my own business making copies in the office, when I reached down to grab some paper - and...I find a snake instead - no biggy - my office is fairly rural and I am kind of used to the idea of snakes hanging around. So I gather my "snaking" equipment (read trash can and gloves) and go back to catch my new office friend, and lo and behold - he has a buddy. One King Snake and one Santa Cruz Garter (I think)...Why they are hanging out together, who knows, maybe they were having a snake Annual GTG to discuss the latest snake fashions...So now I have two snakes - time to call in for re-enforcments. Now we have crocodile hunter 1 - and crocodile hunter 2 on the scene to catch the snakes. The snakes ended up crawling/slithering under our copy machine, so we moved it and caught the King snake. But the Garter snake got away under our office floor. We then relocated the King Snake. Day 2: I had figured the snake had moved on to greener pastures by this point, but I was wrong. I found the Garter snake sneaking into my co-workers office. It was crawling underneath the door, by the time I got to it only 2 inches of tail was left on my side of the door. I grabbed it, but it made it the rest of the way into the office. So, I called in crocodile hunter 2 again, and after about 30 minutes of searching the office we found it the snake coiled up underneath one of the filing cabinets. As a side note - I had caught another snake two days ago at my sister-in-laws house. Apparently the snakes in San Diego have been doing a lot of breeding in the off season... (Side note - that's pink spray paint in the trash can - not blood)
  18. The preview looks cool. Very useful!
  19. Thanks Admin! Always appreciate your hard work!
  20. Down the hallway - 2nd door on the left
  21. Yeah I noticed that too! I don't think many of us will sharing this site of Twitter or Facebook
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