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Everything posted by dbutlerman

  1. Hehe...thanks! A plethora of feelings
  2. Do I get some kind of badge and a double secret handshake?
  3. I won't have to be wearing fakes for long,
  4. Is it just me, or...but I didn't think Alpha males needed to point out they were Alpha males....
  5. Does the Mod Tool work in reverse? Click 3 times and poof, gone?
  6. Hmmmmmm....probably not the best way to start - This forum is a community...best to play nice
  7. I am jealous of myself! I can't believe this! Thanks for all the congrats! I will have a full pictorial review soon!
  8. Thanks Red! I can't believe it! That was the 2nd to last ticket from yesterday - Now I just need to wait for Lani to wake up so I can figure out how to get this thing shipped!
  9. Holy Cow! I can't believe it! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! This is my freakin' grail watch!
  10. Congrats Nanuq! Hope the new place treats you well!
  11. Yeah I woke up at 4:00 this morning and checked ... I am a nut! But I guess I am not totally alone!
  12. LOL. Thats funny. Wrong, but funny!
  13. Hey I even made it onto the list Hot dang! I am in good company!
  14. I just bought the second to last ticket....come on guys one more!
  15. The new stem(s) arrived today. I ordered three in case I screwed up...which I did on one (cut it .1 mm too short) but the second one was perfect (well, within .01mm - and that was close enough!)...now for the pics... Old Stem measurement New stem measurement New Stem Tube Installed C'mon All Together Now I also installed another new handset as I had scratched the last minute hand (I mean tinnnnnnny little scratch, but under certain lights you could see it). If somebody wants them let me know $5 plus shipping and they're yours...in nearly new condition.. Thanks for looking and the support! This project be done!
  16. I didn't really like this the first time I saw it, but it has grown on me since yesterday...now I likey!
  17. This is very interesting...it uses the same confusing web-layout as Ofrei with a few small changes...very weird!
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