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Posts posted by hk45ca

  1. I don't know, maybe it was him and the Jet Sales are doing to good, did you you see the Patek? Nothing like sporting a 50,000 dollar watch and a 19,000 dollar car. di the licence plate frame say" my other car is a jet"............
    yes, i think i saw the gold glittering buy the window of the plane. i'm sure it was him.lol
  2. Again, I am talking about the watch matching your INCOME, not the price of the clothes on your back. Most of the people you spend time with every day and whose opinion and respect you value, know how much you make and know what you can afford and what you can't. I'm not talking about rolling around in a Bentley and wearing a tuxedo all day to match your watch price, I'm talking about your purchasing power matching your personal property. The guy at the Taco Bell drive through can carry himself as high as he wants, that MBW Sub is not convincing.
    ok, i understand your veiw now i think. you are assuming that the only money people have is from the job they have. lol, i'm living proof that is not always the case. all of my money doesn't come from my every day job. everybody i work with knows that the money i make at that job doesn't pay for all of the stuff i own. i don't tell them where the money comes from and they don't ask. i buy reps because i don't think the gens are worth the money but that is different for everybody. there are other things i spend stupid amounts of money on that other people wouldn't for the same reason. for example the wheels and tires on my car cost about $400.00 more than a new tt sub they were $7,500.00. you can't judge someone from there job because you do not know if that is all of the money they have.
  3. Go to nearly any fast food place in Redmond, WA during lunch.

    You'll see guys wearing a Mountain Dew-stained "windows 95 Launch Day" t-shirts who get up and leave walking out to their Ford GT or Ferarri Modena. Lots of these guys wear Timex....but alot of them wear Panerai, Omega. And alot of them drive Camry's.

    I'd argue that it's totally based on how you "carry" yourself, not what you wear, what you drive or any other "physical" manifestation of your wealth.

    you are absolutly correct. where i live the old money from oil are almost always driving a caddy, lincoln or a benz that is any where from 10 to 25 years old. very seldom will you see a new one, but they will look brand new. always in the garage. you know the ones you spot from 100 feet away. their clothes will range from armani to a t shirt and blue jeans. the apperance thing will do nothing but get you in trouble. the way you carry your self and the way you handle things will tell the story every time. lets face it, anybody with credit can go lease a new benz and charge some nice cloths on a cc. that means nothing.
  4. Fair go guys- I drive a Maxima!


    i think jetmid has just flown over my house. may be he is monitoring our conversation from his private jet, of course i'm sure he could do that from his bentley also. lol
  5. Yes but the Nissan would just be a front, underneath the bonnet will be a gold plated, nuclear warp speed reactor.

    Cheers Johnkaz. :drive1:

    not that cheap plateing, tripple wrapped 18k!

  6. One thing I read a while back that really hit home with me was the scruffy looking guy looking into the shopglass window may own a watch worth more than your house!

    That and some of us sporting the nice watch and trying to keep up with our BMW payments shouldn't be buying watches at all.

    yes, you have no idea how right you are. i don't ware nice clothes most of the time. i am just a casuall type of person in my apperance, just normal blue jeans, tennis shoes and most of the time a harley t shirt or something simular but i have a big house with nice furniture and 2 nice cars. i don't have alot of money but i guess i have enough, if that is possable, lol, i could afford a couple of gens if i wanted but i like the varity of having alot of watches so i buy reps, i want to spend my money on other things. i am sure that people see my watches and think they are reps but they would think that if they were gens because of my apperance most of the time. i have never had anybody call me out. but when people see the cars and come to my house and see how my wife and i live they automatically think they are gens. i can show them my collection and let them try some on and they are just amazed. i think if the rep is high quality the rest of it is the presentation. after that they don't look at them trying to find flaws. they assume they are gen. i just let them think what ever they want. my wife and i laugh about it all of the time.

  7. I think your wife knows her soccer, I don't follow the sport much but if I had to pick a winner I would go for Brazil too.


    i don't know about soccer or football as they call it. when i am in peru with her, as i don't speak spanish it is some difficult for me to find anything to watch on tv but i can usually find something. when there are soccer games all of the normal programming is stopped and the games are all that is on. it is very diffacult to watch a game you know nothing about in a language you don't understand. lol. the one thing i can tell you is they are into it. big time.
  8. I am sure that if it really was Jetmid, he'd probably be 'flossin' a Bentley or sumptin. A Maxima would be far too pedestrian for him!
    i agree completely. although it could have been his slumming car. that would explain the spelling on the tag. he was in encognito. lol
  9. i think the forum is great but i don't keep up with that sport. my wife is from peru and she loves it. i will have to ask her who she or we, lol, are supporting. lol
    ok, i asked my wife and she says brazil will definatly win. i guess we shall see.
  10. How come we do not see River selling these pieces. I am confused now. Judging by the pics in that site, they look like they are better than the watches our trusted dealer are selling. At least most of it.
    if you want a tw best eddie lee is your man. i have a tt rolsium ym and a tt sub from him and they are both tw best.
  11. Hmm, wind or gas. :g: I'm not sure you can have a roaring 490,000,000,000,000,000 joule fart and still call it a 'botty burp', put it that way.

    I mean, it would be a conversation stopper. :lol:

    methane gas is very explosive, i just don't want the job of collecting it. i think it would be a shtty job. lol
  12. Sorry if I offended anyone with my question, I thought I would start out by trying to ask a question that I did not know the answer for, it was not meaning to insult anyone’s work. I am not sure how I criticized the work by asking what was meant by square corners, but if I did I am sorry. I have been reading a lot and know what a crown guard is, and could not find the answer on the square corners so when I read the post and then saw the big picture, I just wanted to know if the square corner was the top part on the inside or the notch in the bottom part. I could have chosen a better way to start out, sorry if it was taken out of place. I prefer to read and learn and this is what I will do again, as it’s better to sit back and read than to ask question.

    My apologies and sorry to take your time.

    hmmm....., well.... now that crap is out of the way. joe, that sub rocks, i want mine to look that good! lol. i'm glad you are feeling better. i know it has been rough and hopefully the worst has passed. i've missed your posts and the pics of those beautiful watches. it's great to have you back. zbrrt, maybe you unknowingly walked into a sht storm and maybe not so unknowingly we will see. welcome to the community and i hope you enjoy it here.
  13. http://www.timezone.com/library/archives/a...703251272822958

    Another article on gold from timezone.

    I don't really see why rose gold would be considered a "polluted" form of yellow gold, other than based on one's own preferences. Yellow gold is made by combining gold with zinc, copper and silver, just the same as rose gold. It's just a different composition of alloy. Yellow gold and rose gold are worth the same carat for carat.

    Even with 18kt yellow gold, the alloy mix can be adjusted. So just because your rep dealer says something is 18kt gold that doesn't necessarily mean it will be an exact color match to the gen.

    Price notwithstanding, a full platinum watch would be pretty cool to have.

    i have held a gen, platinum totally iced out president in my hand before in 1982 and it was heavier than any thing i had ever held that size. it was amazing. and for all of you that hate iced out rollys, it was absolutly the most beautiful peice of jewlery i have ever seen. i think people don't understand that a watch like that is not a watch. it is a peice of jewlery. it was completly covered with diamonds, dial. case, all of the links on the band, even the hands were covered diamond chips. in 1982 it sold for $97,000.00. they had pulled from the safe to prepare it to be picked up by the man that had bought it. he was on his way there and they let me look at it before he got there. i will never forget that as long as i live. really though, other than the weight and knowing that it was solid platinum it just looked like stainless steal. as far as white gold i don't know why anybody would have trouble with it. my mother's wedding rings are 18k white gold and she has been waring them for 64 years now and they still look the same other than being thinner in the back than they used to be.

  14. As posted before, I am very opposed to the war. However, if this is all about oil, which seems to be the premise of many that hold the same position I do, why is oil at it's highest cost ever (noninflation adjusted dollers)? If the US has "control" of such a great oil source, do you really think we would not flood the market with oil to reduce prices? Or is it part of the master plan for the oil companies to make more money?

    well, you have oil men in the white house on their way out with no way to stop them. this is just some more enron crap. it's all about the benjamin's and that is just sad. as far as the so called murders? it's a war where nobody can be trusted as freindlys. their is no murder in war. they have been sent their to kill people. it is the nature of war unfortunatly.

  15. myself i have never felt like i needed yo own anything other than stainless if it is silver in color. i think it looks just as good. and it is more durable. for me to see it i really have to see them side by side to tell the diffrence. i don't think it is worth the money. now some nice rose gold is another story. lol

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